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subject: Get Money, Get Smart: Grants for Mothers [print this page]

Since its major collapse the American financial system has been weak with only a few signs of improvement. A lot of laid off workers haven't had chances to secure new jobs. Others who have just entered the work force, like recent college grads, may be discouraged by the lack of opportunities. It's regrettable that many analysts think these employment trends will continue. Although things are bleak now, there is a silver lining created by providing economic opportunity for several different pursuits. The Obama administration and lawmakers have been on a mission to put consumer protections in place while still allowing business markets to prosper. Education has also been a major focus. Making sure institutions perform well on all levels is important, and there has been particular attention paid to colleges and universities. One important result is the Obama Grants for Mothers program. Mothers of all kinds can use education to direct the path of their families' futures. For years the government has awarded Pell Grants based on financial need, and this system provides the Obama mom grants. Under the new system moms can get as much as $5,000 for their education. Many single mothers have lower incomes so this grant program is particularly aimed at them. Education and school-related expenses vary, but most are acceptable ways to spend the grant money. Another benefit is that school options are very flexible. You can attend most institutions whether they are junior colleges or 4-year universities. The results of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) will determine eligibility for scholarships and grants. Going online to fill out that form is the first step to receive any potential grants. There are also many other resources to help you learn about what is available for you. There is a long list of financial opportunities available for education. A school financial aid office is also a good place to seek information about money. In the realm of education, scholarships and grants are a key component for a strong system. Educating mothers benefits them and their families for years to come as well as the working world in general. The lasting effects on families are the most important aspect of Obama's scholarships for mothers. It is the educated men and women of today as well as children who are gifted with education opportunities that will lead the country toward a brighter future.

Get Money, Get Smart: Grants for Mothers

By: Marlon Jackson

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