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subject: Mindstorms NXT 2.0 8547 Review (822) [print this page]

LegoMindstorms Summary
LegoMindstorms Summary

The LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0lets you realise, build and program your own robot. But it doesn't stop there!

Over time you'll determine new methods of building your robots and new ways of programming them, so you can get them to do some impressive things. The only boundry is your imagination.

You won't exactly cause the first robotics revolution with your LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0 robots taking over the world, but with all the amazing things you can do with the LEGO Mindstorms NXT, you'll be interested and delighted for a lifetime. It's kind of like that old classic Lego set that you might still have hidden away. It's always good fun when you take it back out and see what new shapes you can build. The Mindstorms set will have a similar effect, but better - you'll never store it away in the cellar or the basement, it will always be kept in sight - ready to be picked off and played with again and again..

It IS kind of expensive for a Christmas present, but as a lifetime investment, the Legos Mindstorm NXT is most certainly worth your attention.

Who Should You Get The LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0 (8547) Set For

Mindstorms is good for anyone old enough to not swallow the parts and able to understand the basic functions of a computer. The instructions for making and programming your first few robots are really quite simple to follow.

You'll be forgiven for guessing producing a machine with Mindstorms is complex, given the use of the term 'programming', but it's surprisingly easy when you actually get it and give it a go.

Kids can find many ways of enjoying their Mindstorms set, whereas others can go on to devise robots that do much more than just walk, drive, shoot or sort balls.

What Do You Get Inside The Package?

The Mindstorms NXT 2.0 8547 box contains six hundred and nineteen parts. These include an assortment of beams, rods, sensors, connectors and wheels.

The Standard Constructing Unit

Mindstorms has a different look from LEGO, due to its basic piece being a beam instead of the classic LEGO brick, causing it to look a little like Meccano. But unlike Meccano, you can easily place the parts together without having to use any tools.

Due to a huge number of pieces that look almost identical, you may find yourself wasting a lot of time at the start trying to find the right unit. But after some time you'll know where to find just what you need and what it looks like, so it'll take you no time at all to make those robots.

Three Motors - The Movement Unit

These servo motors will be responsible for making your robot move.

The Sensory Units

The sensory unit s are like the eyes & ears of the robot. Here are the sensors that the Mindstorms NXT 2.0 is equipped with

1. A light sensing unit, which is sort of like the eyes of the robot, allowing it to see different colors..

2. A kinesthetic sensor, which lets the robot respond to touch.

3. A sensory unit for audio input, enabling your robot to listen to and respond to various sounds.

4. An ultrasonic sensor, which uses sound-beams to determine how far away your robot is from a solid object - so it doesn't need to bump into the wall before it turns away.

The Intelligent Brick Of NXT

This is your robot's brain, a mini computer that processes data from the four unique sensors and depending on what programming you put in, orchestrates complicated movements in your robots by controlling the 3 servo motors, whether it be by taking a stroll, driving, shifting direction, sieving balls, attacking an intruder.... and so on.

User Guide

The User's Manual is an brilliant way for you to discover how to build your first few robots, with one-step-at-a-time instructions on how to make a shooter bot, robotic alligator, color sorting machine and a walking man-like robot as featured on the box.

Beyond that you're left to use your own imagination to create whatever you desire. You can also buy separate guides (yes, whole guides published just on the LegoMindstorms) that demonstrate how to construct more advanced robots with far superior programming.

However, there is one trouble you may run into when making your own individual robots, and that's running out of pieces. Fortunately the Lego Technique range uses the same basic building block, and you can always get a Lego Technique set if you need the parts. Lego was designed to go together.

Where Can I Get It Cheapest?

Be careful, the new Mindstorms 2.0 already comes with a hefty price tag and you shouldn't have to pay more than you already need to. Click here for the cheapest prices.

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Mindstorms NXT 2.0 8547 Review (822)

By: Ted Maser

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