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subject: Beauty Skin Care And Home Remedies [print this page]

The skin is the largest and one of the most intriguing organs of the body, accounting for 16 per cent of body weight.

The skin is repeatedly repairing and renewing itself. When you are young, the main skin complaints are oily skin and acne. But as you produce older, the skin gets dry and the challenge is to counteract the dryness of the skin. However, you can have beautiful casing no matter what your age, race or color. The secret is to comprehend how your skin functions, and to take care of it properly.

The Skin is collected of cells, sweat pores, and sebaceous glands. The surface layer of the skin is enclosed with a thin sheath of dead cells. These are frequently being pushed up to the surface from below. If the dead cells are not removed, they can reduce and even block the skin's effort to breathe and eliminate waste.

Did you know that your diet contributes very much to the clarity and condition of your skin? Its true. Pay attention next time you eat an entire candy bar by yourself, or take notice of your skins tone and texture if you opt for a better diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, salads, healthier foods, and lots of water. Natural skin care at its most excellent.


A facemask of egg white and honey gently removes the tan from your face.

Mix oats with honey, yogurt and ground almonds. Apply this in your facego away it for five minutes and wash with lukewarm water.

Cucumber is a natural cleanser. Mix cucumber juice with milk and apply it instead of a cleanser.

For oily skin, apply a mixture of grapes, lemon and egg white. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. While lemon acts as a accepted cleanser, grapes will soften your skin and egg whites will tighten it. Dont be alarmed if your skin tingle.

Cut the lemon and rub the wedge all over your face. run off it for about 20 minutes, then rinse off with cold water. This will refresh your face. Avoid liability this if you have dry skin.

Mix honey, lemon and vegetable oil .This mixture is a good quality moisturiser for dry skin. Affect this mask for 10 minutes.

Apply the mixture of honey and milk on the face . This will make your skin blaze.

Prepare a mask by mixing a slice of pumpkin with egg yolk and milk. Let this mask set n your face for 30 minutes for a glowing skin.

For Pimples

1.Apply a mixture of turmeric and neem on the face .

2.Mix thick curd, turmeric and two drops of oil. Apply on the face.

3.Make a stick with sandal wood and turmeric and apply it on the face.

Causes of Unhealthy skin

?Faulty diet: Refined foods like white flour, sugar and products made with them, tea, coffee, and soft drinks deplete energy, bring about wrinkles, unattractive skin and premature aging.

?Lack of healthy blood: Healthy blood adds a shine to the skin and keeps it well-nourished, moist, and free from waterlessness and roughness.

?Inadequate cleansing: Very often, our skin looks apparently clean; but they really are not. Dirt and dust particle can hide in the pores of the skin and clog sweat and sebaceous glands. Proper sanitization not only remove all the dust, dirt and make-up, which accumulate during the day, but also stops the oil-secreting sebaceous glands from getting clogged.

by: dr. sarkozy mikal

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