subject: Payday Loans: Fund For Any Emergency Just At Your Service [print this page] It becomes very difficult to get the loan within few hours. Salaried people always draw their budget according to their salary. But if some unexpected needs arise then the whole budget gets disturbed. They usually get into financial lurch. There are options like friends and family but in case if they are also not in the position to help you then. There is one reliable option which you can always rely on and that is payday loans. These loans are very fast and offer money within 24 hours.
Though these loans are unsecured in nature, you can get a loan amount of 100 to 1,500. However, there are some lenders who can also provide you more than 1,500 depending on your salary. For that you do not have to put any of your valuable property as collateral for the loan. Lender approves the loan against the post dated cheque which you give at the time of taking the loan.
You can get the payday loans just for 2 to 3 weeks. You need to return the amount at your salary day and for this lenders use the post dated cheque. Lenders do check your ability for getting the assurance. There are some guidelines which every borrower needs to complete before going for this loan and i.e. you must be the citizen of UK and also you should have age atleast 18 years. You must have the job with the basic salary atleast 1000. Apart from this you should have an active checking account so that lender can transfer the amount as well as withdraw the amount at the due date.
Once lender approved the loan, money will be in your account within 24 hours. You just need to be careful about the interest rate as lender do keep rate of interest high. However by doing some search you can get a good deal. These days you also can apply online so just fill out the online form and approval will be instant.
by: Gregg Hall
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