subject: How To Choose The Right Multilevel Marketing Mlm For Your Home Based Business. [print this page] There are many things to consider when choosing a company to start your home business with.
First you'll want to see if they are legitimate or not of course. Do some research on the company or even the people introducing the opportunity to you. Feel free to contact them and ask them a few questions. Find out what the company has to offer as far as compensation. For some companies you will probably have to fill out a form and get on their email registry to receive some of this information. Don't worry the legit companies will warn you ahead of time that you'll be able to unsubscribe from the emails at anytime. Some will even do a double check, just to make sure you're aware that you will start to receive emails from them and that they are at your request. This is usually an indicator to me that they are working within the law and are legitimate since the guidelines have changed as per the FTC on December 1st, 2009.
Second, you'll want to see how they promote their company. Will everything be done for you, or are you going to have to learn to be the best from the best? If a company is promising that everything is automated and that you just have to sit back do nothing and collect all the money, it's a warning sign. Either they are not legitimate or they're just not being honest. Any program that promises that you won't have to do any work or rise to the occasion is in my opinion hiding something, or ignorant.
Third, once you're inside a little and this often happens without any noticeable investment on your part, some of the better ones will actually require a small application fee to see if you're qualified to work with them, you're introduced to their founders or leaders of the company. If it's a large legitimate mlm business opportunity their leaders should be fairly easy to google. See if your views are inline with some of theirs. Do they appear to only care about the money they make or do they have a passion for helping others by replicating what they have done?
Fourth, get some information on the products that they endorse which will be the same products that you will be selling as well. Do the products serve a niche or is it something that no one really wants? Is it a product that will easily be replaced in the following year by the next new thing to come along?
Fifth, do they have a true marketing solution in place to help you market or learn to market the products. Again, do they tout the automation? Is there only one way to market their product? Or do they do as many of the mlm's of the past did and only talk about the compensation plan, all the money you'll make by introducing it to friends and family, none of which sells the product, the products is where the long term residual income will come often the foundation of strong rooted companies that will be around a while.
Sixth, to me this is key. Do they allow for affiliate marketing? To become truly wealthy, the best, easiest and smartest way is to have multiple sources of income. If the company you are looking it requires you to only work with them to limit your source of income then it's not one that I would choose. If they allow for others then I would be more inclined. On the rare occasions where they actually promote working with affiliates and opening up multiple cash streams for you then my mind would probably be made up.
I would just like to close with, there are many good multilevel marketing opportunities out there. Do not think they are all bad just because a few have ruined the name. Even Amway had great products, they just had no marketing solution, or should we say failed to teach and empower people to learn how to market the products, instead everyone concentrated on marketing the compensation plan. Any plan is workable, but the end result will be on you, how well you have learned to market whether it be on the internet or not, because in the end the only person ultimately responsible is you.
I wish you luck in your search,
by: John Woodman
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