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subject: Word-of-mouth Marketing In The Beauty Industry [print this page]

A recommendation from someone familiar is the easiest path to effective self-promotion; there is no marketing method greater than personal word-of-mouth. In all circumstances, people are more likely to respond to a word-of-mouth recommendation from someone they know and trust.

Additionally, word-of-mouth marketing spreads from one person to another outside of a formalized setting, therefore avoiding the feel of a generic promotional ploy which can often rub clients the wrong way.

If you are looking to expand your clientele, word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most powerful ways to do so; your clients are your best advertisements, and should be treated accordingly. Make sure that each visit leaves your client with a great experience that they want to tell their friends about.

In order to lead your clients in the direction of successful word-of-mouth marketing, strike up a conversation! Asking questions like "are you happy with the services you receive here?" or "do you know anyone in need of your services?" will let your clients know that you can't wait to take care of the friends and family.

The key in a rewarding word-of-mouth campaign is for you to live up to your clients recommendations. Keep in mind that if your clients are raving about you, you absolutely cannot afford to disappoint.

Ask all of your new clients if anyone referred them and really listen to what they need and want from you. Make sure to go above and beyond for them; additionally, thank the client that referred them to you.

While word-of-mouth marketing can develop without any efforts on your part, it can be extremely helpful to facilitate where the marketing strategy starts and how it is deployed. More often than not, you will need to kick start some promotional method to initialize the word-of-mouth buzz, whether it be a sign on your station or an e-blast sent out to your existing clientele.

by: Bert Carder

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