subject: Your Attempts At Being More Comfortable Financially Are Definitely Possible [print this page] Have you ever considered the idea of becoming more comfortable financially rather than trying to strike it rich? Now, there's not anything wrong at all with accumulating enough assets to where you're considered wealthy. However, when you can't focus your attention on enjoying the journey there because you're thinking only of the end goal, you're going to find that frustration will rise up inside of you.
In addition, you shouldn't have small goals. Visualizing your dreams in a big way is extremely important in achieving a life of prosperity. You do need to set your sights high and have something valuable and worthwhile to shoot for.
However, once you've laid out your entire life plan, it's then time to step back from the end goals and concentrate on doing the first step. Becoming gradually more comfortable financially than you are now is more easily attained in the short term than suddenly making a huge upswing in income.
Granted, there are always stories of the person who has an amazing idea that catches on quickly and they go from rags today and riches tomorrow. Usually, though, the more common occurrence is to build step by step in amassing your personal fortune.
Beware of impatience. Too many folks today are impatient and you don't want to be like them. Instead of focusing on enjoying my journey, do you spend years chasing after the next "big thing"?
Lay out your goals first. Be sure that you go after your desire to increase your income in a manner that goes with your personality. You'll consequently become involved in different business pursuits that fit exactly who you are. There are many ways to accomplish your financial goals over time.
One area you could get into is through real estate investing. Maybe you'll find the best MLM opportunity that allows you to take advantage of a great MLM system and the many MLM leads looking to build a business with you. Or, maybe you'll decide to get good at building niche websites and making money from the residual sales.
More importantly, though, than the exact method, make sure you're growing in your personal growth and spirituality...and accept the idea of attaining financial abundance gradually. If you can find the "headspace" to accept financial abundance in its proper time frame instead of trying for the "quick fix", you will find it.
As you gradually achieve each of your "sub-goals" on the way to your huge goals, your huge goals eventually are achieved. As you become more comfortable financially a little at a time, you also respect your financial abundance and success more.
It never feels like you won the lottery or something. You know the time and energy you put in to achieve each step and it feels rewarding. As you accomplish each step without being in a rush for the finish line, you'll find it's also easier to stop and "smell the roses". It's OK to seek abundance and become more comfortable financially. Just don't try to get it all done this week.
by: Matt Zavadil..
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