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subject: The Ab Doer Twist Review [print this page]

The Ab Doer Twist is an exercise machine that helps get your body into shape. The initial Ab Doer have sold over millions of units worldwide and now it is redesigned and enhanced with this latest model.

When you first look at it, the Ab Doer Twist appears to be similar to a chair. You utilize it by having a seat on it and doing a variety of muscle toning and aerobic exercises that comes with a twisting action.

What is special about the Ab Doer Twist is the design that permits you to perform muscle toning and cardio training at the same time and also from within a seated position. The key to the Ab Doer stands out as the 360-degree twisting motion that helps you to target the many different sides of the midsection. This includes all areas of your abs, obliques and mid to lower back sections.

The twisting movement helps you burn away excess fat from your abdominal area and oblique muscles and at the same instance also supplies your thighs, hips, and also buns a workout. The resistance on the Ab Doer Twist may be adjusted with the dial. By increasing resistance you can give your muscles a more extreme training and burn off more fat.

One of the main advantage regarding the Ab Doer Twist is that you do not have to lie down on the floor and put strain on the neck, or kneel down and fold your knee caps in order to get into shape. You can do work outs while sitting down and with less strain. The center support column and contoured arm bars will support you and make sure you are in the perfect position to get maximum results.

The design of the Ab Doer is created using high quality, heavy-gauge steel. Plus you will discover various resistance choices that you can step up as you get your body into better shape.

The retail cost of the Ab Doer Twist is $199.80 and includes free shipping and handling. A set of guides, meal plans, and exercise DVDs are included in the box.

by: Jason Wong.

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