subject: Discover How To Get Pregnant Fast And Naturally !! 7 Ultimate Truths To Increased Fertility !! [print this page] Fertility Treatments And How To Choose The Right One For You ...
HEY, if you're interested in becoming a mother,
without going through painful and complex procedures,
then take a minute and
check this out. It will show you the way:
Ok I am going to walk you through the modern fertility
The "high tech" procedures used for fertility
treatments are called
Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART).
The most popular ART procedure today is IVF (In vitro fertilization):
What is IVF ?
In the simplest terms, IVF is the uniting of egg
and sperm in vitro (in the lab).
Subsequently the embryos are transferred into the
uterus through the cervix and pregnancy is allowed
to begin.
This fertility treatment procedure involves
collecting the oocytes (eggs) and placing them
in direct contact with sperm.
It is done in 3 steps:
Step 1:
A typical IVF cycle begins with shutting down the
ovaries. This is done with a medication known as
a GnRH agonist or a birth control pill.
Step 2:
The next phase involves stimulation of the ovaries
with potent ovulation medications such as Pergonal,
Bravelle, Repronex, Gonal-f or Follistim.
These injections are given for approximately 10 days.
Step 3:
The eggs are then harvested by a process called
ultrasound guided vaginal retrieval. Under
moderate sedation, and with ultrasound guidance, a
thin needle is passed a short distance into the
ovaries and the eggs are suctioned from the follicles.
Typically 5-15 eggs are collected and fertilized by adding approximately 100,000 motile sperm to each egg.
But there is an important question you need to ask
before you consider any form of fertility treatment...
Question 1: How difficult is the procedure?
Question 2: what is the success rate?
Question 3: What is the cost of this procedure?
So here are the answers ....
Answer 1) It involves exposing your body to a
number of drugs namely Pergonal, Bravelle,
Repronex, Gonal-f or Follistim. these are given
in the form of injections for 10 days. The later
steps involve injections, intravaginal harvesting
of eggs and other invasive procedures.
Answer 2) No matter what kind of equipment a
fertility clinic uses, the the average success rate
for IVF treatment using fresh eggs is 28.2% for women
under 35 & 23.6% for women aged 35-37.
Answer 3) First ,it is expensive. An IVF cycle
can cost $8,000 to $15,000 per cycle. It may not
work on the first cycle, so multiple cycles maybe
necessary. Some clnics promise refunds but these
are not 100% refund, you end up losing money and
putting your body through all the injections.
Here's an interesting story for you:
I have one friend who I personally tried a
holistic system to get pregnant with great success.
The amazing part is that she and I were in an
educational seminar on fertility clinic alternatives
the entire weekend...
And I'd say that it took her only a minute
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The system blew my mind.
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The system actually shares and DEMONSTRATES how to take small steps and create habits that will ensure your pregnancy in 60 days... all in step-by-step detail.
You'll literally learn everything from how to
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herbal drinks that will make you pregnant within 60 days.
I can't say enough good stuff about it... and
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Go check it out, and read the feedback here:
That's a hint.
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By following the right steps , your long wait to get
pregnant will soon be over...
by: Dr steve
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