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subject: A Critical Review Of Aaachoo! [print this page]

Aaachoo is a new social networking site like Facebook, MySpace or Hi5. However, they are claiming to have revolutionized "Social Networking" in such a way that they are promoting themselves as the first Social Network 2.0 site of its kind.

The primary reason for this is because they charge $29.95 a month to be a member. Now you might be wondering why anyone would be willing to pay for something you can get for FREE by signing up with Facebook or MySpace.

Not only are people joining Aaachoo for the Social Networking benefits but also for the income opportunity involved.

Let's look at some of the benefits of being a paid member of Aaachoo:

* Connect with other network and internet marketers

* MLM friendly

* Get paid to build your online network

* Aaachoo executives have 20+ years experience in the industry

We all know there are unlimited uses that come with social networking. Aaachoo is not trying to re-invent the wheel when it comes to groups,forums and wall postings etc. They are simply providing an alternative to the free but crowded social networking sites that we are accustume to.

Get Paid To Be A Social Networking Rockstar!

Aaachoo offers a rewarding 3x9 FORCED matrix compensation plan. It's very simple how it works. You can join Aaachoo for free but you should upgrade to continue to use their services within 21 days of trying it out. To become an paying member costs $29.95 a month.

As you tell your friends about Aaachoo they too will join as FREE members. Currently, for every 10 FREE members that join 2.9 of them renew to the Paid member status. Every person you personally invite who upgrades to a paying member will pay you a $15 Fast Start Bonus Commission.

The 3x9 FORCED matrix plan is a monthly residual commission and it works like this:

Level-Members-Income-Total Income

1 3 $1 $3

2 9 $3 $30 Break Even!

3 27 $1 $57

4 81 $1 $138

5 243 $1 $381

6 729 $2 $1,839

7 2,187 $2 $6,213

8 6,561 $3 $25,896

9 19,683 $3 $84,945

The 3x9 forced matrix plan is new to social media sites like Facebook or MySpace. There have been other social networking sites with income opportunities before but not one with a pay plan like Aaachoo's. With the forced matrix there will be overflow business from people above you within your matrix. So for people who may not be a great recruiter they could still build a strong team if someone above them happens to recruit more than normal.

Social Networking has exploded over the past 5 years and who knows what the future holds for this amazing phenomenon. What I do know is that it's not going anywhere and it's actually growing in numbers every day. Who knows, maybe this "paid" method might be the next Facebook!

by: Clinton Schubert

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