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subject: Perfect Optimizer 5.1 Review - Positive And Negative Sides [print this page]

A lot of registry product articles have been popping up lately. Most of them over exaggerate the positive sides and don't even mention the downsides. In this review you will get to know what perfect optimizer fixes, in which way you benefit from it and in which features it lacks.

Let's start with the negative sides first. The initial price of the product is very cheap. However, it only comes with one year of updates. After that you must subscribe to monthly updates. The benefit of that is that perfect optimizer has enough money and resources to research errors. This way, you are ensured of safe fixes.

Perfect Optimizer comes with 12 features. Most of them you will only use once in a while. The real benefit for you lies in its special features. One of them is the 'Ram Defragmentation' function. Program hangs, freezes and slow loading is often to blame at the ram. If you experience hangs, freezes or you play a lot of video games you should run this very often.

Some Features you might not use at all. For example, the 'Internet Explorer Tools'. If you use Firefox all the time or another browser, there is no point in using this feature.

Perfect Optimizer also has to remove junk files and is fully Windows Vista compatible. Most registry product simply don't have the time and money to research Windows Vista errors. Because perfect optimizer has a large customer base, they do have the time, money and reasons to support fully support Windows Vista.

Perfect Optimizer is a good Registry Product, updates consistently and has lots of features. Despite its price, you will find that the update are really useful. They offer plenty of support via phone, mail and forums. You might want to check out the free trial to check it out for yourself.

You might want to take a look at more registry cleaner reviews. You will find what a good registry cleaner is supposed to do. A comparison chart is also included.

by: maizelight

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