subject: Logbook Loans: Get Appropriate Funds Against Your Logbook [print this page] There are several needs of people to be fulfilled but not having much finance in hand for all such essential needs could be little distressing. Dont feel bad. Now your automobile will help you put to gain external financial aid. Wondering how? Simply by placing the logbook of your vehicle as a security to the lender you will be able to get logbook loans which enables to access good amount of finance for dealing with your various financial requirements without any trouble.
A logbook is the legal document that contains proof of your ownership of your car. Under Logbook Loans lenders allow you to drive vehicle anywhere you want as they take your logbook only as security. However, keeping your vehicle in good shape will the solely your responsibility.
There are certain eligibility criteria for the approval of logbook loans, which may comprise the following:-
oYour vehicle should be less than 8 years old
oThere should not be any dues against the vehicle
oAll taxes and insurance dues must be paid in full
oWhosoever is taking the loan should have a regular income source
oYour name should be matched the owners name in logbook.
The loan amount that you can borrow from these loans comes in the range of 500 to 50,000 till the period of 5 to 7 years. These loans can be availed without any hassles and at competitive prices by doing a thorough online research.
The funds raised through Logbook Loans can be used to carry our various important financial requirements such as pay off old debts, credit card dues, long term household bills, home renovation, education etc. The best thing about these loans is that it can be easily applied by bad credit holders as well as there is no credit checking involved.
Hence, logbook loans are the most wonderful way to attain finance for your essential needs by placing your logbook as security to the lender against the loan amount.
by: ZahraEfan
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