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subject: Review Of The Lg 37le5900 [print this page]

Your husband has decided to surprise the family with a new LG 37LE5900 TV and while the kids are screaming with delight the first thing that you think of is, It doesn't match my living room set! Before you panic, take a look at the area where the TV is going to be and think about how you can decorate around it.

The option to hang these new TVs on the wall opens up a lot of possibilities in decorating. With the TV off the floor, you can place a nice plant or even small buffet under it, while putting a variety of photos of all shapes and sizes around it. That will allow it to be the focal point of the wall, without throwing off the balance of things. Some people like to frame the television itself, to bring a unique look to the room.

Mounting above a fireplace is another option a lot choose. Make sure you have a non-working fireplace before considering this. Decorating the mantle with a mixture of different things can add a touch of style and allow the TV to blend in with it's background.

Entertainment centers have always been popular, and now with the new models and designs they can take up much less room than before. You can even hang the TV inside of it, creating the illusion of a framed television. You'll find that there are a variety of colors and models to choose from, everything to match even the most picky decorator.

A television cabinet may match the decor in your living area much better or perhaps you have an old wardrobe or armoire that you think would look good in that spot. Using a cabinet design will allow you to conceal or hide the TV when you are not using it, taking the focal point off of the television and directing it to the surroundings.

Placing it on a stand is another option, and this doesn't even have to be something new and modern. If you have an antique piece or a buffet that you really love, you can use that in the place of the modern TV stands. There are some who even opt to put it on a bookcase that matches their living space.

Once you decide where it will be, whether wall mounted or on a stand or cabinet, you need to think about the decor around the room. Painting the wall behind the TV is can bring the focus to that area without allowing the television to stand out and distract from everything else in the room.

A new TV may also be an occasion to go ahead and just change everything up in the room. Maybe this is the reason you have been looking for to buy some new furniture or change the colors of your room. You can use this as an excuse to have a little fun shopping.

Now that you have a few ideas on how to decorate when that new LG 37LE5900 TV is delivered, you'll be able breathe a bit easier. You'll be able to enjoy your new television while beautifying your living room at the same time.

by: Calvin Diaz.

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