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subject: Best Buffet Breakfast In Hotel Studio Estique Pune [print this page]

It is never wise to underestimate the first meal of the day. Breakfast in not only required for your good health but also mind. And if you want to start your day with a hearty meal amidst an environment that will enliven your senses, then you must try out the best buffet breakfast in Hotel Studio Estique, Pune. Now, what exactly does the term buffet mean? To be precise, a buffet is a long table or a counter for informal eating with varied food items. There can be many occasions for a breakfast buffet. Be it the large family gathering, or a client meeting, Hotel Studio Estique will provide you with the best breakfast buffet in Pune.

It is believed that people eat with their eyes. What is served beautifully will manage to garner greater satisfaction from the consumers. Studio Estique is a renowned hotel in Pune for its exquisitely displayed buffets and also for the variety it serves ensuring that each and every guest leaves with a full stomach and a jovial smile.

Studio Estique is a business hotel in Pune, which is cosy and ultra chic tucked away in a commercial development in the citys prime real estate location. It has all the necessary facilities that will make your stay a comfortable one. If you are a foodie and a person who really takes a good care of health, then you must step into Hotel Studio Estique early in the morning and enjoy some delicious & healthy food at reasonable rates. So, begin your day rapt with gaiety and vivacity by munching onto some fruits, hot cakes, waffles, French toast and pastries, meats and eggs, among others.

The timing when the best buffet breakfast is served in one of the best business hotels in Pune Studio Estique is between 7.30 to 10.30 AM every single day. So come down and experience the best buffet breakfast in Pune and eat your heart out on a healthy diet comprising essential body nutrients.

by: Studio Estique

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