subject: How You Can Become A Mega Action Taker [print this page] I did something unconventional when I spoke at the 2009 Fitness Info Summit - I tried an experiment in fitness marketing.
There were three things I wanted to do:
1 - Find out which people were the big action takers
2 - Find out why many people don't take the action needed to get something wanted.
3 - Show how people can overcome the things that hold them back from taking action.
I took a gift certificate that was for a year of coaching with me, and said whoever wanted it should come up and take it. There was a pile of people quickly trying to get the gift certificate and trying to figure out who the winner was. I then decided to ask four different questions to the audience and if each question got a "yes" out of them, I wanted them to show that by raising their hand.
Question #1 - Why were they here at the 09 Summit and did they want that gift certificate that I was offering for those who would come and take it?
Question #2 - Did you run right up or did you hesitate a bit?
Question #3 - Did they really want to have the certificate for the coaching that I was just giving away?
Question #4 - Did they run on up to try to get it or did they end up hesitating?
Quite a few people raised their hands, and asked three of them to come up on stage with me and explain why they decided to hesitate.
There were quite a few interesting answers.
One person said another trainer was simply in the way. Basically, she allowed a simple obstacle to get in the way of getting what she wanted to have.
Another person said he felt scared of rushing up there with all the others. So, it was fear that was the problem.
The third person lost out because they didn't get moving quickly and lost out to someone faster.
This simple experiment really showed all of the big reasons that people don't end up getting the things they want in life. Obstacles, hesitating, and allowing fear to keep them from the things they want; these are the same reasons why people fail when it comes to fitness marketing.
So, what can be done to shut that little voice in our heads up that keep saying "you'll fail," you can't do that," or "you aren't that good?"
Actually, you want to do more than turn off that voice. You want to get your mind into an automatic mode for success.
First off, avoid immediately turning away from fear. Look fear in the eye and starting moving towards it. This is where you need to be going.
Once you look fear in the eyes, picture yourself doing that thing that makes you feel fear, yet feeling incredible while you do it.
Use emotion with your visualization and work to make this feel very real.
Do this for a couple minutes several times each day, such as when you awaken, sometime in the middle of your day, and then before you go to sleep. Try it for a week. Once you complete the week, you'll have automatic success programmed into your brain. (There is science to back this up, but it's boring to hear about) Just trust me of this one.
There was a time I was really scared about getting up and speaking in public. Yes, I actually dealt with anxiety attacks over it.
A mentor of mine, John Assaraf (performed in The Secret) gave me some advice on how to give fear a swift kick and get rid of it. Just three times each day, actually using intense emotion and visualizing me overcoming fear, after a week, I was cured of my fear. Try it out yourself. You'll eliminate the fears that you allow to hold you back.
That's right, I said these things are "allowed" to keep you back because YOU allow it. If you use this fitness marketing tip, you'll be make strides with your own personal fears and obstacles in no time.
by: Steve Hochman
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