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Choosing The Perfect Gift

For Mum
For Mum

For the ever tireless job of Motherhood you can never go overboard for Christmas, her birthday or even Mothers Day. Great gift ideas include new piece of jewellery like earrings or a necklace, a pamper session at her favourite spa or the fail safe option of a gift card so she can choose exactly what she wants. Alternatively, if your Mum is more into experiences instead of gifts, take her out to a great restaurant or simply clean her entire house for a month. Those kind of treats dont come around every day!

For Dad

Fathers, whatever their age, are hard to buy for unless they genuinely like receiving socks, hankies and underwear year after year! With technology moving at a cracking pace, new electronics and gadgets for entertainment, navigation, communication or relaxation are a Dads dream. Alternatively, if your Dad isnt all that fussed about technology, consider purchasing some great memorabilia or merchandise for his favourite sports team. If all else fails, bring out the big kid in your Dad and buy him the ultimate in gaming a PS3, Wii or Xbox. Youll be able to sing, battle, exercise or even cook with your Dad and spend hours having fun doing it.

For Grandma

Its the simple things that Grandmas want in a gift. It could be an afternoon out with their family, a nice movie with friends or even a nice pair of earrings in gold or silver. If youre unsure which of these things your Grandma would like, why not choose a great gift voucher so she can choosethe present herself? Many people find that gift vouchers are impersonal, but in reality, giving this type of gift ensures that the recipient can have exactly what they want and you havent wasted your money on something they wont like!

For Grandpa

When your Grandfather retired, there was no doubt one of two hobbies he picked up gardening or fishing. If gardening is now one of his favourite pastimes, receiving a garden gadget for Christmas or birthday will no doubt be at the top of his list. Alternatively, if fishing or something else outdoorsy is where he spends his time, look at things like sunglasses, hats, fishing rods or something as simple as a lures it will no doubt make you a hit!

by: Jerry Potter

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