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Viva Las Vegas New Years Eve Party Theme

With New Years Eve just around the corner, we bet youre in the mood to party! For a group of friends on New Years Eve, roll in 2010 with a fun Viva Las Vegas party, perfect for even the smallest soiree.

Australias number one online celebration shop, Pink Frosting, is brimming with party decorations and supplies for your New Years party this year, but if you decide on a themed party, this might be the one for you!

Heres our best tips to create a fun Viva Las Vegas New Years Eve Party!

Viva Las Vegas New Years Eve Party Theme

Set the scene for the party by sending handmade invitations simply glue a playing card onto a piece of folded red cardboard. Inside try, some fun words like:

Look out, Las Vegas

Move over, Monte Carlo

This New Years Eve

Casino [your surname] is open for business!

Play your cards right

and Lady Luck will be on your side

at [address]

RSVP to [host details]

Feeling lucky?

And whats a casino party without cold, hard cash? Buy lots of play money and slip in a couple of bills into your invitations for your guests first round of drinks.

Decorating and styling

The trick to make this theme classy rather than brassy is to stick with your colour theme. Think black, white and red just like a deck of cards with splashes of green felt fabric on the tables to evoke those casino card tables.

Set the scene with some large cardboard cut outs of Las Vegas lights, and then feature special card and dice themed balloons among standard red, black and white helium balloons for a cheap but classy display. Visit your local $2 shop and buy as many decks of cards as you can carry! Try making a card backdrop by sticking together dozens of cards to form your decorative Ace in the hole!

And dont forget to dig out your Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin CDs for some mood music straight from the Rat Pack.


Heres where the fun really starts! If youve got the cash stashed, then rent casino gaming equipment from local vendors think poker, blackjack, craps, wheel of fortune and roulette tables. Or simply ask some of your more casino savvy guests to man some tables in shifts. All you need are packs of cards and a dealer who knows what hes doing! Provide the dealer with a vest and visor, and give your guests a wad of play cash each.

If youre lucky, you may even have found some plastic gambling chips, for an extra authentic feel. If you play your cards right, you can deal everyone a highly coveted royal flush!

Menus, catering and cocktails

The Vesper Martini was made famous by James Bond, when he ordered it in both the book and movie versions of Casino Royale. Ian Fleming describes it as Three measures of Gordons, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until its ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon-peel. Got it?

So, serve martinis shaken, not stirred of course alongside chilled champagne and scotch on the rocks.

When it comes to food, go all out with five star fare! Think oysters on the half shell, caviar on wafer biscuits, foie gras and cooked lobster in shot glasses. Remember, cocktail parties works best with finger food, but if you decide you need some plates, consider Pink Frostings Full House Party Plates.
Viva Las Vegas New Years Eve Party Theme

Favours and thank yous

The cards are already in your favor, now its time for your guests to go home with a party favor to remember a fabulous night! Hand out playful and personalised decks of cards so that each of your guests can keep dealing the winners.

Happy Celebrating!

by: kathrynporritt

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