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220-702 rapidshare 1. A client has been unable to fix corruption of system files and does not have a backup or an Automated System Recovery (ASR) disk. Which of the following is the BEST action to take next? A. Copy the missing file from another computer and reboot. B. Execute a Windows repair from the Windows setup media. C. Boot into the Recovery Console and execute FIXBOOT. D. Reboot and press the F2 key when prompted. Answer: B 2. A system powers on, begins POST, displays the BIOS version information and then hangs with the error message Error loading operating system. Which of the following is MOST likely cause of this issue? A. A virus has infected the system B. Corrupted BOOT.INI file C. Corrupt MBR D. Boot sector corruption Answer: C 3. Which of the following is the BEST solution for repairing a hard drive that results in the NTLDR is missing display upon booting? A. Use recovery console and the fixmbr command. B. Use recovery console and the bootcfg /rebuild command. C. Use recovery console and the fixboot command. D. Use recovery console and the chkdsk command. Answer: C
by: QIQI
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