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subject: Make A Purchase Now Using Pampers Coupons At The Register [print this page]

A smart choice is to use pampers coupons when buying diapers. Normally, you can figure that your baby will be in diapers for about 3 years; now think of how much diapers cost and how much you can save. You will be astonished at the results. Taking that into consideration, imagine how much cost can be saved if you had a coupon for each one of those trips to the store. No matter how much the savings, it will add up later. It is a shame that you just discarding them, since they are far from cheap. The fact remains that your baby needs them to keep dry.

Researchers have proven that for the length of time that baby is in a diaper to the time they are 3 years old you will be looking at about a $2,000 expense. The best way for you to get through thisheavy expense is to keep cutting your coupons from papers and magazines. Most find that the best places to find saving coupons is in the Sunday shoppers, internet sites, friends and family and directly from the manufacturing companies.

You may want to stash coupons in every nook and cranny that you can think of: yours and husband's car, purse and home this way you are always prepared when you need to go and buy more diapers. Order is a great thing to have, especially when you have children. Try putting all of your coupons in a coupon holder or in an index card box for easy access and savings all the time.

Maybe asking your family and friends to cut coupons for you will help. Make sure that you do the math to see if you will benefit buying in bulk or in single or double packs. Don't worry if you forget your coupons because stores have now added coupons in the isles for convenience for a lot of products.

Diapers are now all printed up with special designs. Themed ones, sex color, character ones, Velcro strip (yay! no more tape; I personally didn't like the tape always popping off), cloth like diaper, and pleated legs for no more leaks. Everyone can enjoy the ease of how the diaper is on your child. You don't have to worry anymore about if their legs are being pinched at the sides because they now have elastic bands to move with baby.

by: Meredith A. Dunham

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