subject: How To Retain "snowbirds" In Your Rv Park [print this page] "Snowbird" is the name given to folks who travel from cold climates in the northern part of the U.S. to warmer climates in the south. They make this pilgrimage every year, which is where the bird name comes into play - they migrate like birds every winter. However, also like birds, they are unpredictable in their exact patterns and don't always land back at the same RV park year after year. So every RV park owner needs to put come degree of attention to how to increase their retention of these mysterious "snowbirds".
Understanding their mindset
Let's first look at the demographics of the "snowbird". They are normally older Americans who are retired and do not have jobs - that's why they can just take over and leave their homes for months at a time. In addition, they have no kids living with them (obviously). They are either single or married. They are fairly affluent, as they own an RV and can afford the cost of carrying both a regular house and an RV in a park all winter.
What this means is that they are fairly discriminating and aware of their options. They are a hard group to deceive. They are fairly intelligent, and appreciate good customer service.
Knowing the risks
The biggest risk you have, as an RV park owner, to losing this customer is poor customer service and inability to reinforce the reasons for them to choose your RV park. Every time these "snowbirds" head south for the winter, they pass hundreds of competing RV parks. What keeps them from stopping there instead of your RV park? Is it price? Is is location? How do you get them to return year after year, and select your RV park over all the other options?
Building a marketing plan
You must never take these "snowbirds" for granted. If you do not make efforts to retain them, they will leave and never return. Let's first look at what can be done to keep them coming back:
* Give them personal service. Try and remember their names and where they are from. Seem sincerely happy to see them again. Make them feel special. Maybe give them a special gift for returning (nothing much, a box of candy, etc.).
* Give them literature on all the things to do while they're there. You can easily put this together from free brochures and calendars at the local Chamber of Commerce. Give them something fun to do each day or week. And keep them abreast of new things that have gone in since last year. * Group them with other "snowbirds", so that they build a network of friends who are already returning year after year. Offer a BBQ get together with all the "snowbirds" in the RV park. These relationships will help ensure their return.
* Create attractive marketing materials for your park, and give them to them so that they can bring more of their friends next year. Help reinforce to them why they should choose you over the competition - even if it's just your personality and a warm smile upon arrival.
Keep your RV park in good condition
"Snowbirds" are the last people to cut you some slack if you are not keeping your RV park 100% maintained. Even if you let things go during the rest of the year, make sure to spruce things up for their arrival. Make sure all landscaping is neatly trimmed and attractive. Blow the streets and pads to remove leaves and debris. Repair all potholes. Make sure that everything is looking good.
These customers will develop their first impression of your park upon arrival. Make sure it's favorable. If you disappoint them, they will spend the season looking for your replacement!
Think of yourself as a concierge
Make sure that you are constantly aware of any problems with this group, and the first to fix anything that is not perfect. Sure that's a big pain in the neck, but it's 1000% harder to find new costumers in the recession. Put in a little effort now to avoid a big problem next year.
There's one thing you need to know. Customer service studies have shown that an unhappy customer made happy is more loyal than one that never had a problem. If there is anything hurting their experience with you, and you fix it, you've probably got a customer for life. Don't give up.
"Snowbirds" are a mysterious group. Treat them right, and they will make your RV park their "home away from home" year after year. Treat them wrong, or put in no effort at all to retain them, and the only thing on your lots may be real birds.
by: Frank Rolfe
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