subject: Cancer Scarf Has A Purpose [print this page] When a person hears the news that they have cancer, they think of the long road of suffering and pain that they are going to have to go through to feel better. One of the treatments for cancer is chemotherapy and it is not something that one looks forward to. It leaves them feeling sick. It makes the hair fall out. It does so much more than just cures a person of cancer.
Now, while the scarf is popular, it is mostly popular only among the women. Men prefer to sport their bald heads. If they do not like the idea of sporting the head or if it is too cold, they tend to wear ball caps and hats like that when they go through chemotherapy.
Men try not to use these. It's to feminine for them and that's okay. They like to show off their new hair do. Some of them prefer to wear ball caps instead. That's fine. So women are the primary ones sporting these scarves. And they look rather nice too we might add.
When they wear this scarf, they sometimes set a trend. Some of them are pretty cool looking. There have been some chemo patients in which a person does not know that they have chemo and have asked them where they got it from. It's just that good looking.
So when you look at these scarves they do something more than just helps a person feel as though they do belong in a world where everyone is every bit judgemental. This allows them to keep from getting sick as well. We all have heard that if you do not keep your head covered and it gets cold that increases the chance of getting sick.
Yet, cancer patients are urged to try not to get sick. If they do the sickness lasts longer and it is harder to fight off. Even the typical cold is a doozy. That is how bad it gets. So, no wonder they bundle up no matter what time of year it is. The scarf adds that extra protection that many of them need on top of all the other emotional healing that it brings. If you had cancer you would understand quite well about the importance of these scarves to the people who have to wear them.
So, if you have cancer and would like to get one of these, where can you go? You can go almost anywhere as many stores are selling them now days. That is how popular they are becoming. That is the sad part. You know that more and more of these are being sold because of the fact that more and more people are being diagnosed with this terrible disease.
We don't think so. That is why we are educating you about the chemo scarf. There are benefits of it and you'll see how a person walks who has chemo and is wearing one of these. They feel as though they are normal even if only for a little while longer.
by: Hilary Hinman
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