subject: Tips For Taking Your Business Online [print this page] New businesses are popping up on the internet every day. Your goal should be to establish a web presence as soon as you can. Even if your business is local, such as a restaurant or salon, your customers should still be able to find your business on the net. With all the emphasis on mobile devices, more and more consumers will do their shopping or information gathering on the internet. Your business needs to be able to attract these consumers where they shop-on the internet.
How do you develop a presence on line? There are many ways to promote your business online. Here are just a few ideas:
1) Develop a web site that demonstrates your products or services and is easy to navigate. This can be a do-it-yourself project, or you can spend thousands of dollars to have your web site professionally designed. While the temptation to save money is understandable, this may be an area where money can be well spent to achieve professional results. Your web site will present the image of your company to the entire world; you want it to be as professional as possible.
2) Once your website is up and running you need to generate traffic to that web site. You must obtain and maintain a good search engine positioning. There are several ways to drive traffic to your site. The best way is to make your site informational; you must provide a reason for customers to visit your site. Consistently updating your site with new, useful information will give people a reason to check you out often.
3) Your information needs to be Search Engine Optimized (SEO). Your articles need to contain 'keywords' that a search engine will use to determine the relevance of your site to a search request. However, this can be overdone. If your information has too much repetition of a 'keyword', the search engine will discount the information as valid.
4) Setting up links, and back links to your site will help with your search engine positioning. When your site has more activity, search engines will recognized that activity and your site will get a higher ranking on the search engine. Linking your sink to others, and having their sites linked to yours will benefit both sites' search engine rankings.
5) You can also spend money on internet advertising. There are many ways to do this: Banner advertising, Pay-per-click, and Cost-per-click. These latter 2 ways are generally used by businesses that can't get good positioning in search engine results.
6) There are many resources available on the internet to help you get started. Search 'internet marketing' and get started.
While internet marketing and advertising are important, you must not forget about traditional print advertising aimed at promoting your web site. Business cards should be an important part of this campaign; make sure that your web address is printed on them. Every piece of correspondence that you send out should have your web site address on it.
The key aspect of having a website is the speed with which you can update information on your business. A new product, a new service, or new pricing can be introduced on your website quickly and cheaply. The speed of business has increased dramatically in recent years, and you need to keep up with the trend. Today's consumer expects this and any successful business with meet this expectation of the modern customer.
by: Dave Dumas
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