subject: 5 Ways To Find A Disabilities Lawyer In Portland Oregon [print this page] Obtaining a disability claim can be difficult, especially if you are not completely incapacitated. A good disabilities lawyers Portland Oregon can help you in getting what you rightfully deserve. Given are some ways in which you can find disabilities lawyer in Portland, Oregon.
How to Get a Good Disabilities Lawyer in Portland Oregon?
1. Find a Society or Foundation
You can begin by finding a society or foundation which represents your particular disability. To make your task simpler, search online for communities or societies which represent your claim. After finding a society that represents you, search for local chapters. You can call your chapter and get referrals for disability attorneys.
2. Local Hospital or Medical Center
You can also call up and ask your local hospital or medical center for information on disability lawyers. Hospital social workers usually have this information on hand. Note down the phone number and contact details of the disability lawyer.
3. Yellow Pages
This is yet another trusted source for finding information on disabilities attorneys. You can look in the Attorney's section listed in your Yellow Pages. Look into the subheading disability. You can then note down the contact or address details of the attorney.
4. Compile a List
You can then prepare a list of the short listed names. Ensure that you select attorneys which are situated near your house or in your area. This will save the time and money spent on travelling.
5. Other Attorneys
You can also get referrals from other attorneys. For instance, you can ask any attorneys whom you know personally for recommendations. Lawyers usually have a good rapport with colleagues even if they are from another field. Moreover, reputed attorneys have a good standing among their colleagues.
Consider these useful guidelines and choose a well-known disabilities attorney in Portland accordingly.
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