subject: Expanding Your Business [print this page] As a fast mover and high achiever with your own business you may have reached a point where you want to expand further. You are not yet ready to move into acquiring other companies but you believe firmly that your business could grow naturally from within the framework you've already built.
It is well worth seeing how a large number of Britain's leading entrepreneurs have done this on but here are some basic ideas.
You could consider targeting a new part of the country where you have never been before or even marketing your goods abroad. Do have a look at how high flying entrepreneurs have done this on The internet is useful to you in trying to get new customers in different regions or even countries as you could use an internet sales channel to promote your products.
This kind of business development is less of a risk to you than were you to splash out large sums of money on acquisitions. After all, you already know that the business plan you originally set up works. It also avoids you having to raise new finance.
Once you gain profits from the new target area you can then feed them straight back into an existing business. You won't have to try and get investors interested or raise huge personal loans.
Although sometimes it will be a longer time before you see new growth, if you let your business grow naturally, it will be the cheapest way to expand.
If you are a "daredevil", prepared to take a risk, then acquiring a whole new business may suit you better even if it does burn your finances! You may also prefer to have an entirely different business from the first one you set up and feel that you want to take the risk of delving into a new acquisition and you can learn more about people who have done this on
Some business entrepreneurs prefer to build up a portfolio of businesses so that they avoid having "all the eggs in one basket" and also they want to have an outside investment and even enjoy the pressure and the thrill of the risk.