subject: Same Day Cash Advance Leisurely Repayment Period [print this page] Often, people are in two minds to apply for a cash advance because they are unsure of being able to pay back the money to the lender on time. This along with certain other factors that you consider as hindrances make you think twice about applying. However same day cash advance as the name suggests, now offer you a more leisurely repayment period.
The amount that can be issued to an applicant in this type of financial aid is the same as that of online payday loans, 80 to 1500. For the benefit of the borrower the time period of this loan is 3 months. Such a large span for repayment reduces the pressure of repayment on the applicant.
In times of an urgent financial need during the month like a sudden illness or the payment of a bill to avoid deactivation, the money loaned comes in handy. Often these problems arise weeks before your next payday and so the credit issued can be used for all emergency expenses.
On meeting the requirements given below a person is eligible to apply for 3 month payday loans:
He/she must be a citizen of the UK.
He/she must be above 18 years of age.
The applicant must have a regular source of income and thus should be employed.
He/she should also have a valid bank account.
The online process is the simplest and the most time conserving way to go to apply for 3 month payday loans. On providing true information in the form online it can be submitted and on being accepted, the money is transferred to the applicants account in 24 hours. The online application process is hence a wise choice for application.
by: George K Kane
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