subject: 090-056 Rapidshare [print this page] 090-056 Exam SHELL PROGRAMMING FOR SYSTEM ADMINSTRATORS V30A1 Exam Number/Code : 090-056 Exam Name : SHELL PROGRAMMING FOR SYSTEM ADMINSTRATORS V30A1 Questions and Answers : 154 Q&As Update Time: 2010-10-15
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090-056 study materials 1. Given the following command line,which statement is true? command1 | command2 | command3 A. All three commands must be able to read from the standard input and write to the standard output. B. All three commands must be able to read from the standard input and write to the standard error. C. command2 and command3 must be able to read from the standard input and write to the standard output. D. command2 must be able to read from the standard input and the srandard output. Answer: D 2. Given the following eight files in the current directory: DOC doc doc1 doc11 doc12 doc13 doc2 doc3 What is the output of the command line: echo doc[12] A. doc1 doc11 doc12 doc13 doc2 doc3 B. doc1 doc11 doc12 doc2 C. doc1 doc2 D. doc[12] Answer: C 3. Given the following eight files in the current directory: DOC doc doc1 doc11 doc12 doc13 doc2 doc3 What is the output of the command line: echo doc? A. doc1 doc11 doc12 doc13 doc2 doc3 B. doc1 doc11 doc12 doc13 doc2 doc3 C. doc doc1 doc2 doc3 D. doc1 doc2 doc3 Answer: D
by: lili
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