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Kerala Travel In India

Kerala is the land of great natural beauty and the hotspot of tourists, honeymooners and business traveler is aptly known as the "paradise of travelers". Kerala catches the attention of millions of tourists every year from all parts of the world. From pristine beaches, scenic hill stations, wildlife sanctuaries to ancient temples, churches and palaces, it offers everything that a tourist can desire on a fulfilled holiday. When you travel to Kerala, You'll see green, red and the blue of the ocean with numerous coconut trees waving across the canvas of Kerala with amazing regularity. The good things like the development of infrastructure for tourism in Kerala, a highly successful literacy programmed, ensuring easier communication between guests and local residents, and the tropical climate, make a holiday in Kerala relaxing and pleasant.

Enjoy the green, red and the blue of the ocean with numerous coconut trees waving across the canvas of Kerala with amazing regularity. The magnificent, beautiful beaches and backwaters, solitude and relaxation, great scenery and a holiday atmosphere, Kerala has it all for you. Kerala is also ideal for a romantic honeymoon. It offers backwater tours for the honeymoon couple, where you can sit back and relish the romantic sights, smells and sounds of the captivating countryside of Kerala. With golden glowing sands, swaying palm trees, catamaran cruising and sumptuous seafood, offers you an unforgettable Kerala travel experience.

Kerala Travel In India

Kerala is also known as the land of mountains, rivers, lakes, backwaters, has numerous national parks and Sanctuaries. The enchanting green forest with elephants, tigers, wild dogs, sambars, gaurs, leopards, and many indigenous and water birds gives the tourist a rare sight. Wildlife safaris in Kerala are the most popular among the tourists. The Elephant safari presents exclusive enjoyable safaris that enable you to explore the numerous varieties of the wildlife in Kerala. You can enjoy the bewitching forest of Kerala with sitting comfortably on the back of an Elephant. The Boat safari also offers you with a good option to look for the wilds of Periyar sanctuary. Today the Periyar Lake offers an excellent boating spot for the tourists. Although it is unusual to see any animal from the boat, still you can spot herds of Elephants, Wild Boars and Sambar Deer by the water's edge.

India Travel, Kerala Travel, Kerala Tours

by: raj

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