subject: Avoid the Possible Tragedy of Forex: 5 Steps to Take in Online Currency Trading [print this page] Just like you, every single person that enters Forex currency trading online does so with the sincere intention of making money. Every one, including you. There isn't a single one that intends to lose money, yet the statistic of 90% losing their money is very real.
This is a very sad tragedy that good people experience everyday. The problem isn't that people lack the intelligence or ability, nor is currency trading online impossible to master. It is that they skip steps in their development.
Forex currency trading online offers a very real and very achievable opportunity for those that will simply follow the proper steps to reach their goal of consistent profits and approach the matter in a sensible manner. There are several components to a trader's development in becoming the confident trader that produces consistent profits.
Gaps in a trader's education will have to be filled before the end-goal is achieved, just like price gaps as in the markets.
The primary reason that the statistic in currency trading online exists is because those that lose money don't focus on developing themselves and their Forex currency trading online business. They choose to focus almost exclusively on making money right now. Thus the gaps cause them to lose their money before they've filled their educational and developmental gaps.
Second-wave traders are people that have blown out their account, or come close enough to realize this, and subsequently take a more business-like and realistic approach to their currency trading online.
So that they can have better chances of success the second (or third) time around, they pay attention to the fact that they missed some steps and now consciously pursue them. They don't want to repeat the vicious cycle of regular and repeated large losses that they experienced as first-wave traders.
There are five steps to avoid the tragedy so commonly found in Forex currency trading online.
Step 1. Develop a thorough understanding of currency trading online. This means what the markets are really about, what drives them, how to read a price chart, how to properly plan trades, how to identify good setups, entries, exits, etc. The basics are essential to master.
Step 2. Seek out the mistakes made by others. There are over 39 different mistakes commonly made by traders. This means that there are numerous opportunities to lose money in currency trading online.
If you don't make yourself aware of mistakes made by others, then that leaves you open to making them yourself - and you'll pay the price when you make them. Learn from the mistakes of others and save both money and regret.
Step 3. You've heard that you should treat your trading like the business that it is. The problem is that if you haven't run a business before you may not know how to go about it. Any endeavor engaged on a regular basis for profit is a business. Even the government looks at it this way.
The more structured a business is, such as your currency trading online, and the more it includes sensible formalities such as reporting, the more consistent it will become. This is the end goal of most traders - consistent profits - so treating it as a business will surely help in achieving that goal. There are resources available on sites such as YouTube, so seek them out.
Step 4. In addition to having a system for selecting and placing trades, you should systemize what you do in your currency trading online. This goes right along with treating your trading as a business, but in more detail and from more of an operational perspective.
Systemizing what you do will bring repeatability and predictability to your activity, and this is desirable in trading as well.
Step 5. Manage your your emotions as they are often the cause of large losses and missed profits, even for veteran traders. It is not necessary to try to be a inhuman and "turn off" your emotions.
By educating yourself on the psychology of trading to have an understanding of how your emotions play into your decision-making process and what factors affect your currency trading online, this will again help you achieve the goal of consistency.
Forex currency trading online presents a tremendous opportunity for people that will simply approach the endeavor from a business like and long term perspective. Most who enter currency trading online, do so very ignorant of what it takes and this is quite understandable, as it is something totally new to them.
Educate yourself and seek out the developmental resources to help you through these five steps to ensure that you give yourself the best chances of realizing what currency trading online has to offer. Make sure you give yourself a happy ending.
Avoid the Possible Tragedy of Forex: 5 Steps to Take in Online Currency Trading
By: Juliet Spalding
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