subject: How to Actually Make Additional Income Easy Online With Squidoo - 4 [print this page] How to Actually Make Additional Income Easy Online With Squidoo - 4
There are several ways you can increase traffic to your lens or website, after all the more potential costumers that see the products you are promoting, the better your sales and therefore the more money you make.
The most common way people gain quality website traffic is through " Backlinks ", and these will also help a site rank higher in the search engines, here are some easy and effective ways to get quality backlinks.
When you have made a lens and need more traffic and backlinks, forums are a great place to start. Find as many forums that have the same or similar topics as your content. Sign up to free forums and then add your link in your forum profile signature, after you have done this all you have to do is join in, every time you leave a message now in these forums your links will automatically be applied to the bottom of your post allowing people to visit your site if they feel it may be in their interest.
You should check out BIG BOARDS for a comprehensive list of forums.
Search for blogs that relate to your chosen subject and leave a comment on their work. Never spam, try to helpful or even controversial, this way others reading the blog will be more interested in your opinion and are more likely to visit your site via the link you should leave with your comment.
Yahoo Answers
Again look for people asking question on subjects your site are related to, it is very important to answer these question as in depth as you can because if your answer is chosen as the best of the bunch, yours will be at the the top of the list when other look for an answer to a similar question and are more likely to visit your site for the answer.
Social Media
Used in the right way social such as Facebook and Twitter can generate more quality traffic to your site than all other sources put together. Use these mediums the same way as you would the forums, be helpful and engaging and try and establish yourself as some what of an expert on your given subject or product, if you can achieve this people will return to you and your website time after time for your opinion and advice.
Over time I have built up a mass of followers ( all for free ) on twitter and other social media. If you would like to do the same visit and sign up to all of the social media site that they can instantly ping to ( tweet / blog ),over time build up your followers and given time you will be amazed at how useful this can be. In a way this site allows you to talk to all of your followers on all of your social media at the same time, if you had to do this manually as you know it would take an age.