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subject: Effective Skin Care Products For Adults And Teens [print this page]

Even though I'm well into my forties, I've battled acne ever since I was a teenager. I learned long ago to accept the fate that my genes dealt me, so I'm used to using acne skin care products as part of my daily regimen. And now that my kids are hitting their teen years, I'm worried about what's in store for them as well. Fortunately, while they've had the odd pimple or blackhead here and there, they don't seem to have full-blown acne yet.

One thing I've learned over the years is that when it comes to skin care products, adults and teens have vastly different needs. For example, I find that most pimple creams and acne cleansers from Oxy, Clearasil, and other manufacturers that target the teen crowd are far too harsh for my face. Sure, I used those things when I was in high school, but it seems that my face is far more delicate now than it was 25 years ago, so I have to use skin care products designed for adults.

I don't have an elaborate regimen, but it's actually very effective at controlling my acne for the most part, so I'm happy with it. I start with a mild cleanser recommended by my dermatologist, and then follow up with a non-alcohol toner. After that, I use a 2% benzoyl peroxide acne treatment, followed by a healthy dose of moisturizer. I also tend to use an anti-aging cream occasionally to help ward off fine lines around my eyes. These five skin care products cost me about $30 month, which is not bad at all -- especially for the good results I'm getting.

As far as the teens go, I'd like to take them in to see the dermatologist at least once to get an evaluation and some treatment recommendations. I've already told them how important it is to find effective skin care products early on, and stick to a regimen that works. All of those "maximum strength" creams and cleansers available today aren't necessarily the answer, as they can leave faces red, flaky, and irritated. Who wants to walk around looking like that?

When I add the teens' skin care products to my own, we're talking about spending close to $50 per month. Or at least that's what the retail prices would be, but I stopped paying retail years ago! Instead, I purchase all of my skin care products online from discount beauty supply websites. These places not only carry all the great creams, toners, lotions, and cleansers that we use, but also offer the best prices around. I currently save anywhere from 30 to 50 percent on all of my purchases, which makes a huge difference in my budget.

by: leresh

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