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Australia Stopovers: Middle East Ideas

The trip from the UK to Australia or New Zealand can be made more rewarding by enjoying a few days' stopover, and of course there are many options to consider. One of these are several Middle East countries, all served by high quality airlines from London with Middle East hubs which include Australasian routes. Here are some popular Middle Eastern stopover destination ideas.

The rise of Gulf-based airlines includes Emirates (who fly to Australia and New Zealand). Dubai is the home base of Emirates, and is an excellent stopover destination. Dubai offers even greater value during now that hotels are working hard to attract business during a period of over-capacity. The large-scale constructions, the beaches and desert offer great holiday and sightseeing opportunities, and of course the shopping is legendary. There is even indoor skiing amongst many theme parks.

Etihad Airways has its base in the Gulf state of Abu Dhabi, a lesser known destination, but one which has ambitions to increase visitors. Abu Dhabi is less focussed on exploitation of property growth and offers a more insights into the Arabic cultural experience. Desert excursions and beach holidays are on the menu, and a new Guggenheim Museum is planned as part of a new cultural centre.

Like Dubai, Abu Dhabi is in the United Arab Emirates and offers blue skies all year round, and several parks and gardens which provide an ideal retreat from the hustle and bustle of Abu Dhabi's range of shops and museums.
Australia Stopovers: Middle East Ideas

Another gateway to the desert and an interesting stopover idea is Qatar, whose capital Doha is a focus for great shopping as well as many fine beachfront hotels. Qatar is served by Qatar Airways, who recently launched a flight to Melbourne, with connections to Heathrow Airport and Manchester. The airline has created special 2 night stopover in Doha, with a choice of 13 hotels and a selection of excursions and recreation ideas including city tour, desert safari or a round of golf on the 18-hole championship course.

Although traditionally these destinations are not the first choice for stopover visits - they are proportionally far closer to Northern Europe than the familiar Far Eastern countries such as Hong Kong, Singapore and Thailand. However, to include the Middle East is an increasingly attractive option to use on the outward or return leg of any flight to Australia, and offers a great new choice for the seasoned antipodean visitor.

by: Jimi St Pierre

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