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subject: Affiliate Marketing - The Easy Way. [print this page]

Affiliate Marketing - The Easy Way.

Thousands of prospective marketers show up along the shores of the Internet Marketing world every day. Most of them are picked off by the raging hoards of super advanced marketers! Few of them make it on up the beach and most are eaten alive.

That pretty much describes my introduction to Internet Marketing.

I moved on, undeterred, and eventually I learned the "secrets" to affiliate marketing and guess what I discovered?

There are no secrets!

There is just the stuff you don't know yet!

For starters, what you need is a real, workable plan that doesn't take money to work.

With this sort of plan, you will likely see some money pretty soon, and, even if you don't, you can start all over, as many times as you need to, to get it right, and you WON"T HAVE to pay any more money.

How do I know? Because I did it and I did it more than once.

So here is the plan's formula... Offer + Traffic = Sales!

One - Find a product you'd like to sell as an affiliate. There is plenty to choose from.

Avoid the Internet Marketing categories at first. Many of your prospective customers will know more about internet marketing than you do if you are just getting started.

It's just that it's easier to sell into the non-marketing categories because those prospects are looking for a solution to a problem or some information and NOT info on how to sell the latest and greatest marketing plan.

Two - Get a FREE Squidoo site. The squids call them "lenses." It's just a website with a funny name. Free is a great price.

Three - Pick a FREE Domain Name. It comes with the FREE Squidoo lens. Note: When picking your domain name you want the name of what you are selling to be right in the domain name!

This is crucial. I made several sites that didn't work before I learned this. What a waste of time! Name your domain name carefully. If you were selling acne solutions a good name would be

Four - Now populate your site with all things relevant to your product, which is in the domain name(url) Just do your best. Simple works.

Be sure to put your affiliate links in the copy on your site. When people arrive on the site some will click the links, and some of them will buy!

Five - Start driving traffic to your lens! No traffic equals no sales. Article marketing is free and works well for those who give it a good try. It takes some sticking with it, like lots of things, but then it gets much easier, and more productive!

Affiliate marketing can be boiled down to an easy formula that any one can understand and that is this... Offer + Traffic = Sales! The website is where you put your offer. This is where you put "content" to attract search engines and build traffic.

Ah...the traffic. It's the "key." If you have a decent offer page, all you need is traffic.

But...not just ANY old traffic!

What YOU are looking for is traffic that is interested in what you are offering! This traffic is known as "targeted traffic." Those are the ones you want. And you can get them!

So here it is. I'm recommending a free website and a free domain name as a place to put your offer and free article marketing to get your traffic to the offer! Almost any offer will sell if you get some targeted traffic to it.

This is something you CAN do and it won't break the bank.

Copyright (c) 2010 Riley West

by: Riley West

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