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Beginners Guide To Marketing A Website

Your website is a powerful tool in generating revenue for your business. After you build your website, the next step is getting as many interested people to your website as possible for the lowest advertising cost. Many people fall victim to the outdated concept of "build it and they will come." Back in the ninetys, websites could generate traffic simply by word-of-mouth gossip and being picked up by search engines. Times have changed and the general concepts of marketing online have changed along with it. Let's start by going over some of the best ways to generate free traffic to your website.

1. Optimize your website

The first and most obvious traffic source to focus on is, of course, search engines. When an internet user is searching for your website, you want that person to be able to find it as easily as possible. While constructing your website, research your industry to find out the most you possibly can about what terms are searched for the most often and which phrases tend to lead to sales. You may wish to consult with a professional search engine optimization (SEO) company to help out with the research or you may be able to find free or inexpensive tools online to perform the research yourself. Before spending any money on paid advertising, be sure to properly use the keywords and phrases throughout your website and optimize the pages for the best possible free search results. If done correctly, search engine optimization can generate residual traffic to your website every month at little to no cost.

2. Submit to search engines and directories

After optimizing your website, it is ready to be captured by search engines and placed in the search results. Submitting to as many search engines and directories as you can is the next step in getting your website exposed to the world.

3. Generate keyword rich content

Adding new content to your website on a consistent basis can add more ways for search engines to find your website and increase your rank in the search results. Although achieving high search engine ranks is a bit more complicated than simply adding the right content, creating articles, blogs, videos, press releases and other media promoting your website, products, and services is very important.

After you have gathered as much traffic from the 'free' sources, it's time to focus on paid marketing to rapidly increase the growth of your business. Check out the next article about:

by: Phil Kanaby (PocketCents Inc)

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