subject: What Makes A Proven Internet Business [print this page] We often hear the phrase a "proven internet business" yet very rarely do we stop to consider what that means. Internet businesses have had plenty of time now to prove themselves so let's think about exactly what it takes to be a proven business on the Internet.
1. With longevity I am not frightened of new business ventures. But a proven Internet business is one that's been around long enough to have a proven track record of success. This longevity only comes from outlasting other competitors.
2. Satisfied members- Many people choose to start an Internet business by joining a membership site or an affiliate program. Satisfied members would not stick with an Internet business if it wasn't working for them. Proven Internet businesses can point to satisfied members and often include them as references on their sales letters.
3. Quality products- No business will last if the products they sell are not any good. In almost every niche there is a lot of competiveness and in many instances the product is usually the distinguishing factor.
4. Commissions paid on time- We all start an Internet business with the goal of making money. You would expect a proven Internet business to have a track record of paying their members on time.
You're even starting to see weekly commissions or even instant commissions now. With the financial system the way it is around the world there really is no excuse for commissions not being paid on time.
5. Changes with the times- Businesses that are not changing with the times are generally standing still which means they're going backwards. It's so important that you are constantly adapting your business to what is going on in the marketplace.
A perfect example of this would be in marketing materials. Email marketing continues to be a great way to promote on the Internet. However what's included in an email today might be a video, a graphic, a link to a blog, social networking of some type and so on.
For a business to grow and prove itself it has to keep up with the ever changing climate on the internet. In reality speaking this is true in the offline world as well.
We have seen companies grow regardless of what their competitors do. We have also seen companies go out of business we would've never thought that was possible even a few years ago.
In summary these are a few tips on what makes a proven Internet business and things you should look out for.
Copyright (c) 2010 Dianne Crawford
by: Dianne Crawford
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