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subject: Nosara Costa Rica - A Natural Beauty [print this page]

Nosara Costa Rica - A Natural Beauty

If you are looking for the hustle bustle of a big city with pollution, crime and more buildings than people, Nosara Costa Rica is not the place for you. This is a town that is in many ways unaffected by so much of the modern problems of life. Things there are simpler and purer, like taking a step back in time in many ways. Topping that off is the fact that there is plenty of ocean coastline to enjoy with six beautiful beaches and unlike many beautiful ocean areas they are not covered in homes and businesses.

Ostional Wildlife Refuge Keep Beaches Protected

The obvious lack of development on most of the beaches of Nosara, Costa Rica is due to the Ostional Wildlife Refuge that covers a large part of this prime oceanfront property and is designated to protect the Olive Ridley marine turtles that nest there. This property is safe from builders, at least momentarily while these marine turtles are an endangered species.

Untouched Beaches
Nosara Costa Rica - A Natural Beauty

It is almost hard to believe there is still an unspoiled beach with a dramatic view of the ocean and so much wildlife left here to enjoy. In fact, the Nosara beaches received an award from the Costa Rican government for their commitment to preserving wildlife and taking care of the environment. The Nosara Civic department is absolutely dedicated to their preservation efforts and has been extremely conservative in their development, landing them the honor of being one of the most eco-friendly communities in the world.

There's No Place like Home

There's no place like home, especially once you have found a special place like Nosara Costa Rica to live in. Life moves at a slower pace and people still care about each other is this little ocean town. Fishing and farming are ways of life and there are very few small businesses in town.

Roughing It

Not all hotels have air conditioning or even hot water. You could almost consider Nosara as the "outback" of Costa Rica and you can make quite an adventure out of a visit here. There are snakes, scorpions, wasps and spiders, but they aren't all that threatening and don't usually seem to cause much concern. The few minor inconveniences are more than made up for by the unspoiled natural beauty of the beaches in the area and the pleasant warmth of the people that live here.

If you ever have the chance to visit Costa Rica you will want to take the time to visit Nosara. There are few places left on earth that are still so naturally beautiful and so unspoiled.

by: Gregory Garner

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