subject: Stop Grinding Teeth - Cure For Bruxism [print this page] The practice of clenching and grinding the teeth is also referred to as bruxism which is a stress related disorder. This condition is believed to be hereditary and gender related. Fractured, sensitive and decayed teeth are the most common result of this condition. It also tires the jaw and may lead to the possibility of damaged muscles and jaw joints. In order to ease the discomfort that comes with bruxism it is just right to find ways to stop grinding teeth in sleep.
Making an appointment with your dentist is the first and foremost ideal thing a bruxer should do. Your dental expert will design a tailor mouth piece or night guard that an individual may put on before going to bed which is very necessary to prevent damaging someone's teeth further and also to reduce the tendency to grind. Seeing your dentist on a regular basis is very essential in monitoring that your teeth is safe from movement or cavities that might result from wearing the night guard.
Make an effort to drop your jaw and feel the muscles relax then try to maintain that feeling. Being conscious at all times that your teeth are supposed to be touching only when you're chewing or swallowing is very important.
It is very ideal to take some relaxation techniques before going to bed due to the fact that bruxism is caused by stress and tension. Warm water has the ability to relax your jaw muscles, thus it is just perfect to take a warm bath as well as hold a warm, damp cloth next to your face for about ten minutes prior to bedtime.
Learning and discovering ways and techniques that will empower an individual to manage stress better is a very important way to stop grinding teeth in sleep. A person can undergo stress management classes and practice techniques such as progressive relaxation and/or guided imagery or self hypnosis.