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subject: How Long Can It Take You To Get Pregnant? - How Long Can It Take To Finally Get Pregnant? [print this page]

How Long Can It Take You To Get Pregnant? - How Long Can It Take To Finally Get Pregnant?

We can't start trying for a baby until December, though I don't know how I'm going to wait that long! I've got baby fever like a crazy person! Our daughter is 3; she was a "whoopsie", so no planning with's about time for another! :) I'm terrified it's going to take us ages to actually get pregnant though; any thoughts on this? How long could it take before we actually get pregnant?

Everyone is different! Here are different case studies and as you can see not everyone has the same cases:

1- It took us about 2 and a half months but that's because we were having sex randomly. I then calculated my ovulation and fertile days and that's when the angel was inserted. Basically i think kids are a gift from above, if he says not now he means not now. You can also Google ovulation calculators

2- It took me 5 months to get pregnant. I had major baby fever too! I would really recommend using preseed and charting your basal body temps. I charted for 4 months and I'm so glad I did, otherwise I would have thought I ovulated on day 14 since I had a 28 day cycle. Because of charting I found out I ovulated on day 16. I'm also very glad we tried preseed, because the first month we used it I got pregnant.
How Long Can It Take You To Get Pregnant? - How Long Can It Take To Finally Get Pregnant?

3- With our 1st kid, it took us 2 years, with the 2nd, took 1 year, with the 3rd it took 3 months, and the 4th took us a year to decide we wanted to try again and within the week of us trying i got pregnant. It's all about timing if you never have sex when you are ovulating it might take a while. I never really keep up with when i am it would seem like a chore then just relax and have fun and it will happen!

There is also this great infertility cure guide which helped me a lot when I was having difficulties to conceive. This guide is called the pregnancy miracle guide and many women who have tried the recommendations in this guide usually have success in getting pregnant. I would advise any lady who wants to put fertility odds in her favor to get a copy of this guide and follow the 7 step holistic infertility cure system recommended in this guide.

Click here: The Pregnancy Miracle Guide, to read more about this guide and see how it has been helping thousands of women round the world to naturally cure their infertility, no matter what was causing it.

How Long Can It Take You To Get Pregnant? - How Long Can It Take To Finally Get Pregnant?

By: Sarin Svensson F

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