subject: Get Lots Of Traffic By Building Your Blog A Brand [print this page] Nowadays webmaster's main target is to get the best and most of free search engine traffic. To achieve that you need to get indexed in the search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Getting indexed is nothing but getting a place in the search engines directories and in the search engine result pages-SERP. But getting indexed does not guarantee that your blog will be within first 20 results. If your blog is not within first 20 results for a certain keywords of your blog then your blog simply does not exist for those key words.
Lets see the solutions:
First you should get familiar with some white hat Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. Usually getting ranked in search engine is like a war between webmasters. Only if you are serious about winning this war you got to be aware of some SEO techniques. You should keep building unique Quality articles and links, as these are the keys to success.
Use Googles webmaster tools and feedburner. You should Burn RSS (Really simple syndication) feed in feedburner. Note your feedburner ID; you can get it any time when you want it. Ping for the articles that you write. It will help to find your article quickly by search engine by accelerating search engine bots.
It is advisable that in webmaster tools follow the instructions and add your blog, verify your blog and submit a sitemap by RSS feed. It will also help you in getting indexed quickly.
You should try to get most of the social networking websites to promote your blog. Do not forget to submit your blog to blog directories like Mybloglog, Blogcatalog and many more, this will lead you to get high PR.
Try to submit unique and useful articles to article directories like Goarticles, EzineArticles, article marketer, isnare and many others with a backlinks to your blog going by the directory stipulations. This is great stuff and you need to make use of it. Remember that your submitted articles should be of same niche of your blog.
Definitely offline promotion helps in building traffic. It is like t-shirts with your blog address printed on it. Blog address Business cards, and telling like minded people.
You should be an active member and a contributor of your niche of forums. You should become a valuable consecutive contributor and use your blog link in the forum signature. This can be a good source of your traffic as this will help you to build lots of traffic.
Copyright 2009
by: Alan L Smith
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