subject: The Biggest Mistake In Ringworm Treatment (And How To Avoid It!) [print this page] If you are one of the millions of people who have experienced ringworm, then you know that this infection can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. Luckily, we live in a day and age when the medication needed to cure ringworm is readily available. However, time and time again people fail to cure their ringworm. Why is this?
I have found that oftentimes, the reason that ringworm persists is not because the treatment was ineffectual, but because there were some simple mistakes made in the application of the treatment. In this article we are going to identify one of the biggest mistakes people make in treating ringworm: Ignoring the spread factor.
As you may already know, ringworm is not actually a worm, but is a very resilient fungus. With this fact in mind, we need to realize that our treatment method should be tailored to stop the spread of the infection rather than killing a parasite. Many people suffering from ringworm apply their treatment to the heart of the infected area and actually succeed in killing the fungus, yet the ringworm continues to spread. To deal with ringworm effectively, we need to think in terms of containment.
Think about it this way: recently there has been a series of wildfires in the western United States. Some of these fires have been caused by simple accidents in rural areas of forest. Imaging if the forest service tried to fight these fires simply by going to the root of the problem and putting out the original fire that started it all. It may sound logical, but as you know, dealing with the problem in the middle doesn't mean that the problem out on the edges will be affected at all! The same is true with ringworm.
Here's how to stop the spread: apply whatever treatment you are using well outside of the edges of the rash as well as all over the infected area. The ringworm fungus spreads out before it becomes visible, so the outlying areas of the rash are already infected. It is here that you need to apply treatment to stop the spread once and for all.
The Biggest Mistake In Ringworm Treatment (And How To Avoid It!)
By: Jordan Hicks
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