subject: Tvi Xtreme - A New Tvi Express Team With Co-op Marketing [print this page] TVI Xtreme at is the new fast moving TVI Express team. Its a team run by leaders from different areas. It is the combined forces of network marketing experts and Internet Marketing professionals. Our team leaders have extensive experience with earlier network marketing companies and know what it takes to create millions in this industry and how to make it duplicate to the team.
When you start with a fresh opportunity you need to be trained a a small number of things. And you need a way to advertise your fresh establishment. Without the proper marketing strategy you will never manage it. That is the harsh truth. Most network marketers never earn a dime. More than 95% of all network marketers and internet marketers lose money struggling to build their latest home based venture.
We would like you to get money. Lots of money. With our configuration the more money I help you earn the more money I will earn so you understand we are really motivated to help you. That is the beauty of the network marketing industry. That is why I have chosen to build this team site.
We have selected to work with TVI Express as with this company you just pay a ONE TIME FEE to join. No monthly expenses like nearly all other opportunities. And an added beauty of the program is the size of the payouts. A lot of members make $10,000 cash bonuses month or each second month. Some members get the $10,000 bonus several times a month or even multiple times a week. Our teams top income earner went through the express matrix 17 times in his initial 3 months thats a $170,000 cash payout and $85,000 in travel vouchers. Is that a sufficient amount for you?
So there are no monthly fees to TVI Express. But to grow your establishment you need a systematized way to communicate the opportunity to potential prospects. If you try to explain the opportunity to contacts, family and individuals you encounter you are going to ruin your possibility to be lucrative. Less than 1% of persons own the skills to do this efficient so why risk with your opportunity. Maybe you can but your brand new team members do not own your skills and they will fail if you are the messenger. You need a system.
We at have put together a system that offers 2 things.
1) A website you can make use of to promote the opportunity to your contacts and place on your business card and email signatures and the like.
2) A monthly CO-OP marketing program that puts members in your venture on autopilot.
To do it really easy we have made this into ONE system with a fixed monthly fee. We call it: We charge the same as many network marketing companies charge for an online presentation system but we spend the money to promote the opportunity. All system maintenance is paid by me and the other team leaders. We moreover offer our services and time for without charge for our team members. We are not making money on the tools like other so called gurus. We are not creating websites and systems we promote next to a superior outlay. We, us team leaders, disburse in support of all hosting, mesh design and so on. All the money our members give for the system goes 100% right away to marketing and this is primarily to PPC (Google AdWord marketing). We desire to help our team succeed. We intend to be the No 1 TVI Express team and we are going to help you find a fast growing team. We aim for you to be more victorious than you ever wish for. We would like you to take your family on exotic vacations and give them memories for life.
We all get an equal share of the marketing. We like you to generate money fast so we pay for part of your marketing. That is how much we crave you to succeed!
We are not trying to be gurus. We are building a solid and healthy enterprise and we intend you to make this your biggest victory and share the message with us.
I hope this shows you how we are and what we are doing. Im looking forward to work with you in our team.