subject: Driving Traffic Into A Brand New Website Within 24 Hours [print this page] No traffic means you will not get salesNo traffic means you will not get sales. This is the very most important equation when it comes to internet marketing. Whether you are new to internet marketing or an experienced marketer still no one will ever get to see your site and be amazed with it when it doesn't have any traffic at all. Specially for those who have just built a website having all the money making affiliate links that are all plugged in, or just a simple website wherein it promotes your own business services and products.
If you have just started to be an affiliate I supposed you have already tried many means of advertising for your affiliate programs. Maybe you have already tried using safelists, submitting them manually and then moved on to millions of automated submission tools or perhaps you have also bought leads for your business.
It's possible you did make some sales and got a couple of leads, but still the results remain far from fantastic plus all of these methods are very time consuming. All this effort can be very expensive and at some point of times it can also be demoralizing. You just imagine, you are going to send powerful email advertisements to thousands of quality leads and then just hear from a few them and also before I forget, there are also those cheap traffic sites that just sell you pop overs that are useless.
If you have experienced these things that I have told you well this is the only way out.
Pay-per-click search engines where you can drive targeted traffic to your website. This is a search engine methods that doesn't mind if your site is indexed for ages or if it's a brand new website you have just created minutes ago. You are really assured that targeted traffic is all worth a ton. We all know that by any means communication is the most important one. In internet marketing if there is higher means of communications there is also a higher possibility of having sales because if people have already found your site they are already interested in your product and your affiliate program. Conversion could be between 3-5% if you are using good targeted keywords and well written ads.
At present, the biggest and most leading search engines are Google and Overture, they have the largest network of engines. When you set up a campaign in Adwords it will not really take an hour if you only got the keywords and the ads ready. You will already see massive traffic streaming in just 15 minutes right after you have set up your campaign. This could really cost you more but you have to consider that you are only paying for the relevant clicks and not for view and for impressions and in return you will get targeted traffic and converts much better.
You as a beginner in setting up for PPC ad campaigns, you are advisable to start on smaller PPC search engines because the clicks there are cheaper even though the traffic is lower. These are search engines like Miva, GoClicks,, ExactSeek and more but however if your product is really competitive the amount of traffic offered by these search engines can add pretty much.
by: Christopher Stigson
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