subject: Accidental zones for older children [print this page] Children from the age of five will also remember discussions you have about the implications of some of their actions, and although there is some reassurance for you here, one cannot simply rely on this when their safety is at issue. You will still need to take extra precautions.
Older around electricity and water
The older child is most likely going to want to know how things like the oven, kettle and iron are used. And even by the age of 10 they may even want to run their own bath water. It is very important that proper supervision is always given to the child until they have enough experience and understanding to carry such activities out by themselves.
If you as a parent or minder set a good example to your children, this is what they will imitate so ensure you know yourself the basic safety rules around the home and in external environments.
Older children are more likely to be confident in the water and should know their limitations especially if they have had swimming lessons. However, sometimes these valuable lessons are forgotten when playing with friends in the pool. Activities like diving, dunking and swimming in open water eg rivers and canals, all serve as potential dangers so always have adult supervision when near water.
At this development stage, from age five, children appear more articulate and understanding to messages they have learn in school. However, this can be misconstruing to a parent as a child will often forget the important safety information learnt, and when playing outside with friends, it seems forgotten.
When inside the house, ensure children continue to use caution on areas like the staircase, steps and sharp corners on walls. An easy way to protect head and shin injuries is to place protection guards along these areas. Installing wall guards, edge protectors and corner protectors will lessen or prevent any unnecessary injury to your child or their friends. As older children love climbing onto and over furniture which makes them prone to window ledges and glass panel doors, which will also need to be made safe.
As the older child is likely to imitate your adult behaviour, you will need to keep matches and lighters locked away. They are very simple things to use, with potential dire consequences. Many children very sadly die from smoke and fume inhalation.
Help yourself keeping children safe in the home by applying simple strong rules and protective guarding, for small moments you are not there to catch them.