subject: Anxiety Panic Attacks Treatment [print this page] Anxiety attack (also known as panic attack) is a condition marked by sudden and short episodes of intense feelings of anxiety and panic. Symptoms can be really severe and embarrassing at the same time, especially when attacks happen in public.
When a person is suffering from an anxiety attack, he or she experiences the following symptoms:
* Intense anxiety and worrying
* Shortness of breath and palpitations
* Sweating and trembling
* Fatigue and nausea
* Feels that he or she is about to pass out
* Loss of control
Good thing there are several treatment options and strategies in coping with this condition.
Most people who are suffering from panic attacks have proven cognitive behavioral therapy sessions to be one of the most effective ways to overcome their anxiety. This method focuses on changing the way a patient thinks about his or her situation. The approach is mainly informational, providing the patient with a deeper understanding about how panic attacks occur. Patients are also exposed to stressful and fearful circumstances in a controlled setting. Frequent exposures to their fears lead patients to learn how to take control over stressful situations. During the sessions, they also learn that they are not the only ones going through the same situation, which help them gain more confidence.
Some patients are given anti-depressant drugs. Anti-depressants have been proven to effectively lessen anxiety attack symptoms with regular use. Anti-anxiety drugs, on the other hand, provide immediate relief of symptoms but should only be taken under a physician's recommendation, for these drugs are highly addictive.
Complementary Treatments
Exercise Humans are made to move, as they say. Taking regular exercise is a natural way of relieving stress and anxiety. It is recommended that one should exercise for at least 30 minutes a day to achieve the stress-busting benefit of exercise.
Relaxation techniques Relaxation, as the opposite of stress, is also one of our natural ways to counter anxiety. Learning various relaxation techniques such as meditation, visualization, and controlled breathing may significantly help improve one's emotional well-being and overall health.
Hypnosis Hypnosis is done with a hypnotherapist, which puts the patient into a state of deep relaxation. The therapist uses certain hypnotic techniques in helping the patient confront his or her fears and view them in a more positive light.
These complementary treatments, coupled with therapy and medication, have already helped thousands of sufferers in overcoming their anxiety attacks. If you believe that you are suffering from an anxiety attack, better seek professional help now, before it gets worse. Panic attacks, when left untreated, may develop into a disorder which could be very destructive to your health and life in general.
Anxiety Panic Attacks Treatment
By: Jullie Smithson
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