subject: Selling Arbonne – Top 7 Common Myths Exposed [print this page] Since Arbonne was founded in 1980, the network marketing industry has evolved in many ways. As society has morphed from the Industrial Age through the Technology Age and now into the Information Age, the Arbonne distributor as has to adapt their selling techniques in order to continue to achieve success and reach potential customers and business partners.
See if any of your current strategies are on the list of myths:
Myth #1: Sales is the defining factor of success in your business ~ Marketing is the defining factor of success in your business.
Myth #2: Sales is the same as marketing ~Sales is about attempting to create a need for what you have to offer. In contrast, marketing isabout finding an existing need and filling it with supply.
Myth #3: The whole world is your market ~The whole world is your oyster, but not your market! Granted everyone could benefit from Arbonne products, but not everyone will see the need tobuy them. See Myth #2.
Myth #4: Your friends and family are the best source of qualified leads ~See Myth #2. By marketing everyone one you know, you end up trying to create a need foryou have, i.e. selling. It is labor intensive and ineffective in today's world.
Myth #5: Using your company'sreplicated website gives you a web presence ~Albeit fancy and beautiful, the company replicated website is designed to deliver generalinformation and won't do much to capture qualified leads. Its other function is to create aneed in the mind of the prospect, see Myth #2.
Myth #6: You should always lead with the product ~You should always lead with value. Give your prospect something of value first. People aremuch more receptive to giving after they have received. If you are asking your friends andfamily to support you in your dream by buying products or joining you in business then youare shooting yourself in the foot.
Myth #7: You should always lead with the business opportunity ~See Myth #7
In short, marketing your Arbonne products versus selling them has become the most influential factor in growing our business. Modern technology has fueled a global economy where information is literally available at your fingertips.
Serious business builders recognize the need to change from archaic selling strategies, like relying on friends and family to build their business, to strategies that leverage technology such as the internet and the telephone to build larger more sustainable businesses.
Selling Arbonne Top 7 Common Myths Exposed
By: Christina Gilman
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