subject: How to Make Money Online. A Few Ideas to Choose From [print this page] Have you been visiting website after website, reading article after article in the hope of finding something to do online to make money? Even if it's not thousands of dollars a month, but at least something.
Well if you have, I can tell you right now that you're not alone. So be encouraged by that and you probably are more fortunate than many others who have already spent big buck online on money making programs that don't deliver.
Thus the reason for this article. I've been there and I know from first hand experience that it is so frustrating you could scream.
So I've taken the time out to write this short article to give you information on a few different ways one can make money online and some also offline. I will not go into too much detail here so be sure to visit my blog more.
1. Selling advertising space.
If you have a very tight budget and still want to get into the online money making thing then selling advertising space on your website is one of the first things you can think about. It is not complicated at all. You simply create a website (mostly a content site with articles on a specific niche). This is the first thing I started to do when I first started working online and I could not even surf the net properly. The Google Adsense program is the most popular, but you also get some other programs which you can find by doing a search engine search. You will also get more information on my blog. So be sure to visit.
2. Affiliate marketing.
For this you do not necessarily need a website, but it will be a big advantage if you do have one. You basically find a product you would like to promote and start promoting. Clickbank is the favorite place where affiliates find products, because they only promote digital products. You get paid an affiliate commission straight into your Clickbank account. You do not have to handle a physical product and you get products on just about anything under the sun. But there's also others so you should do you r research.
3. Paid surveys.
I'm not going to go into much detail with this one. Just a couple of things about surveys.
Personally I do not like surveys, because you basically make pocket change. If you're interested in doing surveys, chances are you will be scammed if you sign up with a company that list you with different survey companies. They usually promise that you will make huge amounts of money if you sing up with them, for a fee of course. Don't be fooled. You can find survey companies on your own if you take out the time to look for them.
4. My personal favorite: Cash Gifting.
No, don't go just yet. You shouldn't prejudge this one.
Yes this is my favorite of them all. For one, you don't need any online experience. You don't need a website, you don't need to sell anything and best of all you can generate serious money.
This is what I've been doing full time for a while and I can tell you right now I haven't looked back. However you have to be really careful if this is what you're interested in. 95% of the cash gifting programs online are not legit. So be warned. My blog will explain in detail.