subject: Cash Advance Fees Aren't As Expensive As You Might Think [print this page] If you are like some people that have thought about borrowing money to get by until the next payday, you might have considered some of the online financing options, but you might be concerned that cash advance fees are expensive. Actually, it is quite reasonable to get the extra money you need between paydays, despite what some people might tell you. If you check out the cash advance fees, you will find there are affordable options and they are based on the amount you borrow and the terms of your repayment.
For one thing, you shouldn't be worried about the annual percentage rates because you aren't borrowing this money for a long-term repayment. In fact, most people just need to borrow the money for a couple weeks to buy groceries, have extra money for the kid's school activities or money for an unplanned trip. The cash advance fees are a nominal amount and some people find they are cheaper than other options to get the extra money they need. Even if you have overdraft privileges on your checking account or the ability to get cash on your credit cards, you might end up paying more than you would in cash advance fees.
Many people are surprised to find out there are reasonable cash advance fees that only equal a small amount of money, no matter what the APR might be. Usually, you would only borrow enough to get you by until your next paycheck, although there are 30-day payday loans that offer renewal options for additional charges. Depending on what your cash emergency is, it is possible that you won't pay out as much in cash advance fees as what you might save. This is especially the case with overdue utility bills that might have late fees and reconnection fees, for example.
Of course, there are some emergencies that can't be avoided, but it offers peace of mind to know you can get the money you need quickly and easily. Some people might consider this a priceless service and not worth the effort of counting pennies, when it comes to the big financial picture. If you need extra money to get by, it is possible to put food on the table or buy that forgotten birthday present for your child and the nominal cash advance fees will be worth the relief.
Many people might have heard that short-term personal loans are expensive and if you are searching for a long-term solution, this would probably be the case. Since these loans are designed to remedy a short-term cash crisis, the nominal cash advance fees may not really be that big of an expense at all. If you consider the humiliation you save, besides the peace of mind you get, they are a small investment, with big pay-offs, in many cases. It is nice to know that you have a source for desperately needed funds, when the unexpected occurs and the repayment is easy to budget, with a nominal and affordable charge for this service.
Cash Advance Fees Aren't As Expensive As You Might Think
By: Peter Duffy
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