subject: Final Fantasy 14 Blacksmith Leveling Guide - How To Quickly Level A Blacksmith In FF XIV Online [print this page] If you're a Blacksmit and if you are looking for a Final Fantasy 14 Blacksmith Leveling Guide that you can use, then I have a few tips that go well with a guide as well as a recommendation on which guide I think works best - especially as a Blacksmith. Let's get into it and figure out how you can level up to 50 as fast as possible, as I'm sure that's your number one priority right now. Here we go:
Using A Blacksmith Leveling Guide Tips
I think that most people go into a guide thinking everything is done for them, and it normally is. However, I'm just going to stress one or two things that you need to pay attention to so that you can power level as fast as possible. First thing that I need to talk about is questing in blocks so that you don't waste time.
A lot of people quest in the way that they get a lot of quests from different areas and then mess up their quest log by mixing zones. This is really bad because you don't have the same focus you would have if you just stuck to one city or one zone. For the most part you definitely want to knock out one area at a time, which will give you a lot of experience per hour because you aren't running around trying to do different zone's quests intermittently.
Don't Do The Quests They Say to Do
This is the best thing about the Blacksmith leveling guide in my opinion, because it saves you a ton of time by pointing you in the right direction. If you don't already know, there are a few quests in the game that eat up your time like no others.
They send you on errands that take forever, whether it's really far or make you gather something extremely rare. These are bad news. And knowing which ones to skip is key as it will free up a lot of your time, and you'll skip a ton of frustration and tedious tasks that you would have otherwise done. Please pay attention to this part in the Blacksmith leveling guide, it's worth it.
Using A Step by Step Guide To Easily Level Up, Earn Lots oF Gil & Dominate At PvP
If you want to power level to 50 as fast as possible then I think this Blacksmith leveling guide is the best one available.
* Step by Step Leveling Paths (All Races).
* Leveling Guides That Tell You Where To Go, What To Kill, What Quests to Aceept & How To Complete The Quests.
You can download it now and begin in a few minutes, and it really shows exactly which quests you should do - step by step.
So, do you want to level your blacksmith character on the fastest way that's possible in Final Fanatasy XIV? Today? Right now? Visit: Final Fantasy 14 Blacksmith Guide
Final Fantasy 14 Blacksmith Leveling Guide - How To Quickly Level A Blacksmith In FF XIV Online
By: John Jefferson
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