subject: What Are The Most Fertile Days To Get Pregnant? [print this page] Most women never really give much thought as to how their reproductive cycle works. They simply expect to get a period every month, unless they are pregnant, and concern over how the cycle operates will only arise if problems do. Although menstrual cycles can range from a low of twenty days to forty days or more, most women have a 28 day cycle. The first day of menstruation is considered the first day of the reproductive cycle. Based on a 28 day cycle, ovulation will occur on the 14th day. If the woman's cycle is 38 days, then she will ovulate on around day 19. Spotting, which can often occur just before the actual period begins, is not considered to be the beginning of the menstrual period. Day 1 will be the day that actual bleeding starts and should be marked on the calendar.
If a woman has been having trouble conceiving, it is important that she discover the most fertile days to get pregnant. To do this, she will have to chart her cycle over a period of at least 3 to 4 months. All she will need in order to do this is a calendar, and perhaps a basal temperature thermometer or an ovulation predictor kit. By keeping track of her cycle over a period of a few months, she will be able to more accurately predict when will be the best days to get pregnant.
As day 14 of a woman's cycle approaches, the estrogen levels in her body will rise, and on the 14th day (usually) the egg will be released. The egg will only live for a short time, between 24 and 72 hours at best, so it is only during this narrow window that fertilization will occur. An unfertilized egg just deteriorates, and is either washed out during the next menstrual period or is absorbed back into the body.
As can be seen timing intercourse is vital when trying to take advantage of the most fertile days to get pregnant. Most couples find that having intercourse 2 to 3 days before ovulation is expected to occur will encompass the time to get pregnant. Sperm can live for days in the woman's body, so if they are deposited several days in advance of ovulation, they will be present and ready when the egg is released. It is usually a good idea for the man to refrain from ejaculating for several days before this period, to allow for a good supply of sperm.
Although indulging in intercourse a few days before when ovulation is expected can take advantage of the best days to get pregnant, a woman's cycle can vary slightly from month to month, and there can be another way to use the most fertile days to get pregnant. Some couples have found that having intercourse a day or two after ovulation occurs will increase the chances that a woman will get pregnant. Some even claim that the sex of the child can be influenced by what day intercourse occurs on.
One of the best ways to take advantage of your most fertile days to get pregnant is to familiarize yourself with your reproductive cycle. Understanding how your body functions is the first step to finding out which are the best days to get pregnant.
What Are The Most Fertile Days To Get Pregnant?
By: Helen Stewart
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