subject: Getting The Most Out Of Your Insurance Leads Online [print this page] As an insurance agent every dime you spend on insurance leads must offer and ROI otherwise youre throwing your money away. Choosing how to get your insurance leads is not just about what the best company is, but also about your ability to use the leads and whether you are set up to utilize them best. Online insurance leads are a great way to get your leads, due to the fact the consumer is actively searching for information on buying insurance and you are in the position to take advantage of this fact.
With online insurance leads the consumer goes to a website that offers them free quotes on a variety of insurance types, when they fill out this insurance quote form, the leads are then distributed to the agents based on the profiles they set up when then sign up for an online leads website. Once you receive this insurance lead you have a limited amount of time in which to make contact with the consumer. This is because the window is relatively short; they are looking for fast information about the type of insurance they need and do not want to wait for information, if you do not contact them right away, literally within minutes they will move on to another quote site to find the information they are looking for.
You must also keep in mind that leads are shared between agents. This again means that you must be fast when responding to leads since the first agent to offer their services is likely to get the most attention. You must always keep in mind that you are only one of a few different agents competing for each customers business, so the more helpful and professional you are the more likely it is that you will get their business.
When using an online lead generation company you must be prepared to respond very quickly to the leads that have been generated, you should keep in mind that leads generate 22% faster when they are responded to in the first 5 minutes and 78% of your prospects will convert if you contact them first. If you are prepared to respond to leads quickly as they come in then you can stand to profit greatly from this type of lead generation, if you are unable to do so however then you would be no more than wasting you money.
Being able to respond to leads means being able to receive and respond to your leads wherever you are, leads can be delivered by email but can also be sent via text messaging. Text messages offer you quick notification of leads and allow you to be on top the leads the moment that you receive them, this means that when you are not at your desk for any reason you will still be able to know when your leads arrive allowing you to act on them immediately.
You can also use special software that is designed to give you an edge when dealing with online leads, it can assign leads to agents, send introductory emails to leads automatically, as well to send automatic follow up emails in a manner that you customize. Scheduling tasks and tracking are only a few of the options this type of software offers. This is called CRM software and it can organize your leads for you in a manner that allows you to make the best use of the leads that you have invested in.
CRM systems can be expensive however for the agency that is just starting out, you do not need to have this type of software to compete but it does help. If you cannot afford to purchase software to deal with your leads then you can use free scheduling options such as Google Calendar to help you with follow ups on the leads that you respond to.
If you are looking for a company that offers online insurance leads then you should take the time to visit us at All Web Leads where we offer online lead generation that is different from the average lead generation company. You will get only the highest quality leads and the most advanced targeting to ensure that the leads you get are the ones that you need.
by: All Web Leads
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