subject: Some Thoughts On What Family Really Means [print this page] On the face of it the question of what makes a family has an obvious answer. Family is your relatives, of course. They are the folks you wake up to each morning and with whom you spend every day of your early life. It is the foundation on which your life is built; it defines your day and encourages you to do what you do.
Does that about cover it?
Well, no, not really. We usually think of our families in terms of "family duties." The places we must go. The people we must help. The things we must do. All this is true and correct. As a family member, you do have certain responsibilities. However, it is all to easy to forget that being a family member isn't always about what we do for the family, but also what the family brings to us.
Family Aids in your Development as a Human Being
Parents guide their young children. Those young children also help guide their parents in ways only a parent or guardian knows. A family erects the framework to set you up in your life to make those difficult decisions, to push you beyond the point you thought was your limit while still keeping the love and loyalty that is so much a part of family life or should be.
Family's Build Strength of Character
You may have heard the bit of philosophy that you never know your strength until strength is the only option you have left. The family instills this strength in you and gives you the confidence to use it when you need to. Family is your foundation.
Family Offers a Rock to Stand On
If you are out there flailing around without a rudder, it is not because you are alone and no one is there to give you assistance. It is because you are too terrified or too proud to reach out for assistance, afraid that people will judge you harshly.
Family is your rock, the people standing there waiting for you when you turn to them from help. When they judge, they judge with love with one hand while holding out the other. Family is a source of stability in the onslaught of a life that can seem too filled with insanity to be real at times.
The Trials and Tribulations that Face your Family
Our modern world isn't equipped to encourage stable family units. There are many dangers lurking everywhere that can pull families apart. It is up to the members of the family, whatever those members consist of, be it spouse, child, parent, or no relation at all, to appreciate the value of the family they are part of and do everything within their power to keep it intact.
by: Ryan Letterman
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